U.S History Assigment

1. What forms of  labor did slaves in the Northern colonies perform? How did slave life in the North shape African-American society and culture?  2.What type of jobs did slaves perform in the earliest days of the colonies in the lower South? How did the emergence of the rice and indigo as staple crops alter … Read more

Travel Guide Project Proposal

  South Africa Travel Guidebook Project Proposal Purpose: Choose and evaluate primary sources and submit a project proposal that demonstrates the viability of a project topic. Task:  First, read over the assignment for the . Then, choose a topic for the project. Your topic should be thematic and regional, meaning that you’ll investigate change over … Read more

Watch the video then answer the questions listed below.

  The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9Duration: 10:31User: n/a – Added: 3/22/12Watch the video then answer the questions listed below. The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: World History Crash Course #9 1. The Silk Road radically expanded the _____________ of trade. 2. The Silk Road was not actually a road … Read more

You need to write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Use your notes and the chapters in the textbook to find out the information you need.

 You need to do your own work. You need to write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Use your notes and the chapters in the textbook to find out the information you need. You need to include three things for each term; 1. You must include a date or a range of dates … Read more

world religion

First, select any one of the major world religions that you may encounter in your care giving. You are then expected to: Discuss the religion;  Explain how this religion views health care, especially at end of life;  Identify any rituals at the end of life (including time of death and after death) specific to this … Read more

U.S History Assigment

1. How did the Puritans organize their colony/settlements? How was this different from Virginia? 2.What new colonies were started by the English between 1660 and 1700? 3.What were the main characteristics of these new colonies? 4.What crises occurred in the colonies in the late 17th century? 5.What factors provided increased stability in Englands North American … Read more


 Discussion post week 7 “Great Composers and Color Analysis” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:Determine whether you prefer Debussy or Mahler, and explain the reasons why. Identify one (1) element within a work that you find interesting or intriguing by either composer, with regard … Read more

week 7 discussion world history

Each week we will be looking at a set period from our past.  Although these are our ancestors, it will seem like we are studying a distant planet, inhabited by people with the strangest of habits.  Fortunately, these subjects of our observation give us abundant clues about who they are.  Their art, their writing, their … Read more

The cold war British colonies

Please be knowledgeable on the topic and please no plagiarism it will be check to make sure it is good to go. I have also sources to use for the paper and make sure you pay close attention to the directions. The direction says you can just write the paper or do an illustration essay … Read more