Harlem Renaissance

Week 8 Discussion   Please respond to one of the following, using the resources from this week’s Learn and those below as the basis of your response: Option 1: Write for one minute using the stream of consciousness writing method. (Note: You may also type it offline and copy it within this discussion thread.) Describe your experience and your reaction … Read more

comparative analysis of the two famous novels

The prompt:  Both Pa Chin (Ba Jin) and Tanizaki are  extremely influential  writers in East Asia. In his famous novel,   Family, Pa Chin  documented the lives of individuals in the process of cultural and social transformation.  Tanizaki did the same in Some Prefer Nettles. How would you compare and contrast the two novels? It is important … Read more

Watch the video then answer the questions listed below.

  The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or…Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10Duration: 12:26 Watch the video then answer the questions listed below.The Roman Empire: World History Crash Course #101. According to legend, how did the Roman Empire begin? 2. Rome was divided into two broad classes:  the _________________ (a small group of aristocratic … Read more

You need to write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Use your notes and the chapters in the textbook to find out the information you need.

You need to write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Use your notes and the chapters in the textbook to find out the information you need. You need to include three things for each term; 1. You must include a date or a range of dates for each term be as specific as … Read more


  This week’s music clips relate to Chapters 33 and 34. Claude Debussy: (“Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun”). Read pages 10921094, and then read the paragraphs below. Once you do that, imagine yourself as a faun in a meadow on a sunny day; click the video above, close your eyes and listen. A … Read more

Watch the video and then answer the questions listed below.

  Watch the video and then answer the questions listed below. The Persians & Greeks: World History Crash Course #5 1. The Persian Achaemenid dynasty was founded in 539 BCE by ________________________________.  He took his nomadic warriors and conquered most of Mesopotamia. 2. His son, ______________________________, extended Persian control east to the Indus Valley, west … Read more

Current Events: Space Programs, Privatization, and Coopereative Efforts

For this activity, explore NASA and Soviet space agency during 1945-198 and today’s privatized rocket programs and efforts (i.e., International Space Station. Use information from a credible source and use your new knowledge to compare and contrast the United States NASA and Soviet government owned space programs of 1945-1958 to the current privatization of rocket programs … Read more

9.3 Responses to Industrialization

 Examine the following four economic and social dilemmas that emerged from the first and second Industrial Revolutions. Each of these sparked a movement for change. For each you will be asked to view a video, consider a question, and compose SAQ responses*. 

10.3 DBQ 4: Imperialism in Africa

Directions: The following documents have been edited for this exercise. In your response you should do the following: Respond to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis or claim that establishes and maintains a line of reasoning. Describe a broader historical context relevant to the prompt. Use at least one additional piece of specific historical … Read more

week 5 discussion wolrd culutree

  Each week we will be looking at a set period from our past.  Although these are our ancestors, it will seem like we are studying a distant planet, inhabited by people with the strangest of habits.  Fortunately, these subjects of our observation give us abundant clues about who they are.  Their art, their writing, … Read more