Watch the video then answer the following questions Mesopotamia: World History Crash Course #3

  1. Early Mesopotamian cities engaged in a form of __________________,  where farmers contributed their crops to public storehouses out of which workers would be paid wages in grain. 2. One of the legacies of Mesopotamia is the enduring conflict between __________________ and _________________. 3. One city-state in Mesopotamia was named Uruk.  What were some … Read more

You need to do your own work. You need to write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Use your notes and the chapters in the textbook to find out the information you need.

 1. You must include a date or a range of dates for each term be as specific as possible. Do not simply write a century (e.g. 12th century or 1100s) but rather put the specific year(s).  For example, if you were giving the timeframe for Abraham Lincoln you would put down 1861-1865 (the dates of … Read more


   1. Read Thomas Wright, Chpt 1, Origins of the Colonial Legacies, pp 7-16 and 20-31. (write a 350-word response to ONE of the questions below. Describe the consequences of the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the New World.  a. After the Conquest, how did Spain impose an authoritarian form of governance on the New … Read more

Religion paper

Paper Overview. Investigate and report on the lived reality of a specific religion we are studying this semester in a country other than the United States.  Your paper must include:  1.      a brief description of how the religion came to be practiced in that country (not a full history just the beginning of the tradition … Read more

two assignments due tmm

Able to do two assignments which consist of subjects one in history and another in psychology How did Cold War tensions influence international affairs in the Western and non-Western worlds? In what ways might international affairs in today’s world reflect the end of the Cold War? Answer the question using a country of your choice as an … Read more

week4 discussion world culture

  Each week we will be looking at a set period from our past.  Although these are our ancestors, it will seem like we are studying a distant planet, inhabited by people with the strangest of habits.  Fortunately, these subjects of our observation give us abundant clues about who they are.  Their art, their writing, … Read more

Social Protest

 Each week you will be given three or four questions pertaining to important topics covered in the materials provided in the question itself, the textbook, the lectures, the other materials provided, and my comments in my Live Session. You choose the one question you like and post a response of 125 words or more.     Opera … Read more

Women in Art

Week 6 Discussion   Please respond to the following, using the resources in this week’s Learn and those below as the basis for your response. Select two paintings depicting females, one by a male artist and one by a female artist from those named in the Resources that follow. Compare and contrast these two depictions … Read more

Cold War Essay

  Our final exam will consist of 1 essay with a minimum word count of 750.. You may choose your essay topic from the following questions. Note:  This is not a research paper.  The bulk of your paper should be based on material from the textbook, module introductions, course documents, and course videos.  However, you … Read more

The European Union

  – Has the E. U. been successful in achieving its original goals?  Explain.   – What do you see as the greatest challenges facing the EU today?  Explain.  GUIDELINES: Initial Posting Respond to the discussion prompt using evidence from the textbook, course videos, and your academic research to support your position. Include footnotes (and footnote … Read more