First and Second World War

 Compare and contrast the First and Second World Wars in terms of military strategy, technological development, and economic impact on the nations involved.  Between 300 and 600 words long, not including the citations.  You will have a choice of questions to answer for each essay; please just choose ONE topic to write on.  Should be … Read more

First Hand View of WWII

Discussion on the soldiers, sailors, and airmen (and women) of World War II.  To prepare for this discussion, be sure you have read the document, Soldiers’ Send Messages Home .  This document is a collection of letters/messages which soldiers, sailors, and airmen sent home to their families during the war.  The document is included in … Read more

The Second World War

  After reading Chapter 26 and watching the course videos, you should be ready to answer any 2 of the following questions: 1.  What was Hitler asking for at the Munich Conference of 1938, and what made many people in Europe think that appeasement was their best option? 2.  What were Hitler’s goals in Operation … Read more

Dictatorial Regimes Discussion

  So, based on your understanding of these 3 dictatorial regimes:  Imagine you have been “transported” to Europe as it was in the late 1920s and early 1930s – before the start of World War II.    Would you prefer to live in Germany (under the Nazi regime), Italy (under the Fascist regime) or Russia … Read more

discussion3 world culture

  Click video above or  Each week we will be looking at a set period from our past.  Although these are our ancestors, it will seem like we are studying a distant planet, inhabited by people with the strangest of habits.  Fortunately, these subjects of our observation give us abundant clues about who they are.  … Read more

Early Abolitionist Art and Literature

  Each week we will be looking at a set period from our past.  Although these are our ancestors, it will seem like we are studying a distant planet, inhabited by people with the strangest of habits.  Fortunately, these subjects of our observation give us abundant clues about who they are.  Their art, their writing, … Read more

World Civilization 2

 i have quiz on history about two video, she will give me two to three questions from each video. i will choose 4 questions in total to answer. Here is the first link –  Here is the second link – 

Second World War Discussion

For this week’s discussion, you must have completed reading and in the Pavlac textbook and viewed the lesson in Week 7. Leading up to WWII, Japan, Italy and Germany participated in particularly aggressive acts. How did these decisions create the conditions for the upcoming global war? Other than the Holocaust and the dropping of the atomic … Read more

Historical Blog Post

This week, I’m asking you to take a deep dive into the horrors of the First World War. One hundred years ago, there was no Internet or social media. I want you to imagine what things might have looked like if there had been. For this assignment, I am asking you to adopt the character … Read more