Settling the Americas, 10,000 BCE-1700 A. Directions Step 1: Choose Two Primary Sources Review the U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Source List and choose two for your assignment. Your two primary so

Settling the Americas, 10,000 BCE-1700 A. Directions Step 1: Choose Two Primary Sources Review the U.S. History I Touchstone Primary Source List and choose two for your assignment. Your two primary sources must come from different time periods. In this case I will choose Settling the Americas, 10,000 BCE-1700 Step 2: Download the Template Download the Touchstone 4: … Read more

Write a page (single space, Times New Roman, 12pt. font, etc.) about what you learned this semester. What surprised you the most? What topics did you like the most? How do you think people 100 years f

Write a page (single space, Times New Roman, 12pt. font, etc.) about what you learned this semester. What surprised you the most? What topics did you like the most? How do you think people 100 years from now will learn about this time in history? Also, and if this exceeds the page, that is ok, tell … Read more

You are to answer the following questions from the reading “Can moqueca just be fish stew?” What are some of the images of Bahia? Contrast with some realities.What are some of the most popular Bahian

You are to answer the following questions from the reading “Can moqueca just be fish stew?” What are some of the images of Bahia?  Contrast with some realities. What are some of the most popular Bahian foods? How is Bahian food a part of the daily life, culture and identify of the people? What are … Read more

Using “Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Latin America” and “The Food Crisis and Latin America: Framing a New Policy Approach,” compose a 1000 word essay that discusses five causes of food insecurity a

Using “Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Latin America” and “The Food Crisis and Latin America: Framing a New Policy Approach,” compose a 1000 word essay that discusses five causes of food insecurity and five solutions to those problems (that is 200 words per issue). Use data from the text and charts in your paper. Cite like … Read more

Compose a 400 word essay explaining the Peruvian foods you would like to eat. Go through the readings and focus on six specific foods and include how you would prepare them without GMOs. You are t

Compose a 400 word essay explaining the Peruvian foods you would like to eat.  Go through the readings and focus on six specific foods and include how you would prepare them without GMOs.   You are to adhere to the word count. Titles, your name, heading and references are not to be included in the word … Read more

Topic: Egyptian agriculture search for five websites that may be acceptable for use in a college-level history research paper. ***Do not use Wikipedia,, or any other encyclopedia or a wiki

Topic: Egyptian agriculture search for five websites that may be acceptable for use in a college-level history research paper. ***Do not use Wikipedia,, or any other encyclopedia or a wiki-type site such as or sites that require a paid subscription.*** -Remember that you are evaluating the website, so you may only use each one … Read more

i need help writing this short essay. Think of three social problems that you think should be corrected and focus on one. This can be local as in NYC, national as in the USA or global as in … the w

i need help writing this short essay.  Think of three social problems that you think should be corrected and focus on one. This can be local as in NYC, national as in the USA or global as in … the world.   topic – Feminism and Capitalism Explain what is the problem, does gender makes a difference when it comes … Read more

Click on the Session 5 Discussion link and then scroll down to start a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on your classmates' r

Click on the Session 5 Discussion link and then scroll down to start a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on your classmates' responses. Respond by making constructive responses or  Pantheism’s Popularity The video we watched this week, “Seven New Age Beliefs and How to Recognize … Read more

Click on the Session 4 Discussion link and then scroll down to start a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on your classmates' r

Click on the Session 4 Discussion link and then scroll down to start a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on your classmates' responses. Respond by making constructive responses or by raising other questions that will promote further discussion and learning by all of us.  Participation … Read more

make a 100 word peer response to each of this paragraphs, does not need to have fancy words, make it sound as human as possible, peer to peer. you can put suggestions/ advice on to to make it better o

make a 100 word peer response to each of this paragraphs, does not need to have fancy words, make it sound as human as possible, peer to peer. you can put suggestions/ advice on to to make it better o make a 100 word peer response to each of this paragraphs, does not need to … Read more