World War II – Q1

Discuss the United States’ entry into and role during WWII. Be sure to include key events, outcomes, and narratives. How did the United States’ power and influence throughout the world factor into their choice to enter the conflict and determine their actions during the conflict?

Q and A

Choose 5 questions and answer them with my materials only    Dispossession 1- What is meant by dispossession? 2- What does and does not change in this process? Forced Movements 1- Name three ways Native Americans were moved from their homeplace?  Reservations 1- What was meant by, kill the Indian, save the man? 2- How … Read more


Read: The Pueblo Revolt in Issues and Controversies in History.  The Spanish and Pueblo believed they were justified in their actions. Use evidence from the reading to support the position you have been assigned. Use the article, Making a Winning Argument as a guide to writing an excellent, winning argument. Read through the other posts … Read more

History 1

Your Final Project asks you to conduct your own research into the history of a country. You will have to make connections between the events that you find in your research and the big historical eras and themes we have covered in this class all term. It’s a big and challenging project! For this milestone, … Read more

Week 6 history paper

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Minimum of 8 scholarly resources (These are from the Week 4 Annotated Bibliography. Conduct additional research as needed.) IntroductionYou will work on a research project for the duration of this course that you will deliver as a presentation. Here is a brief breakdown of the project so … Read more

Race & Cold War

The Assignment on Race and the Cold War includes two short-answer question. For this Assignment, answer the following questions in paragraph form. Base your answer on the information presented in the Race and Cold War Lesson (Be sure to watch all of the video clips). Each answer should be about 2 paragraphs long. Do not … Read more

Race & Cold War

1) Primary Source Analysis: Read the Justice Department’s amicus brief submitted for the Brown v. Board case. (It is dated 1952). As you read, consider the influence of the Cold War on what the Justice Department wrote. What is the main argument in the brief? What evidence, from the brief, shows that the Justice Department … Read more

Larson Colombia Assimilation or Marginalization of Indians?

1. Introduction w/ a thesis2. Core section that (a) summarizes the reading and (b) responds/reacts to the reading by addressing one or more of the following questions: How is the assigned reading related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course?For example, what points made in previous course materials, class discussions, orlectures are treated more … Read more

Larson Colombia Assimilation or Marginalization of Indians?

1. Introduction w/ a thesis2. Core section that (a) summarizes the reading and (b) responds/reacts to the reading by addressing one or more of the following questions: How is the assigned reading related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course?For example, what points made in previous course materials, class discussions, orlectures are treated more … Read more

seyffardt letters

Please read the article(letters) I attached and answer the questions :     Who wrote these letters?    When?    Where?    To whom were they written?    Why? Please write 1 – 2 clear paragraphs about the following: What difficulties and successes did William and Sophie experience as immigrants?  What do the letters reveal … Read more