Women of achievement Essay

 The woman you will be writing about name is ” Sonia Sotomayor”  Historically and currently, women have influenced contemporary society with remarkable achievements. Each student will be assigned a woman who has made a significant impact on society and write a biographical paper. For the paper, students will investigate the life of the assigned woman … Read more

Black studies thirdworld cinema

 1.  Explore, with examples from readings and national cinemas so far, the complexities of Third World Cinema, their vast spheres of imagination, representation, intervention, and contestations.   2. pick one from three   a) With attention to each films narrative realms and trajectories, analyze the themes of society, childhood, marginality, and struggles for self-determination in The … Read more


During the 1800s, great empires sprang up as various powerful nations sought to expand and gain control of strategic locations and valuable natural resources. What ideologies drove this age of imperialism? How did powerful nations justify the plunder and exploitation that accompanied the creation of their empires? And how can we grapple with the difficult … Read more

Discussion about cultures Greeks vs Persians 490 442 BCE

   Answer the following questions in numerical format (#1-7). 2-3 pages. MLA format. 12 Font Times New Roman only. All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion.  1) Outline the basic history of the event(s). You can use a timeline or write it out.  2) How do the … Read more

history assignment

  Nationalism, the idea that ones identity is closely tied to the nation-state in which one lives, is a fairly modern concept in world history. Beginning in the eighteenth century, a series of shifts led many people to replace older loyalties (such as those to clan, church, or king) with loyalty to the nation. As … Read more

Essay on Victorian Britain History

I need a 1500-2000 words history essay with bibliography and footnotes by tomorrow midnight on one of the following questions in Chicago style format. If I accept your bid, I will send my book for the course and professors notes and instructions. Please only bid if you guarantee completion by late afternoon tomorrow (2/7) Eastern … Read more

Article review African American history.

Select and article from a scholarly historical journal at www.jstor.org.  The article can treat any aspect of African American history from 1865 to the present.  Your review of the article you select should be 3-5 pages long.  Please use the attached guide to guide you through the review.  Be sure to spell- and grammar-check your … Read more

history – Buddhist

Fa-Hsien (also spelled Faxian) was a Buddhist monk who made a pilgrimage from China to India–known at the time as the “holy land” of Buddhism–in 402 CE. The historical importance of Faxian is twofold. On the one hand, he wrote a famous record of his journeys the Record of Buddhist Kingdoms which contains valuable information … Read more

1 page MLA format

Topic: Mercantilism How did the British policy of mercantilism impact the development of the economies of its North American colonies? Would the course of American economic development have been substantially different if the colonies were not restricted with whom and how they could trade? 

Phillipines covid 19

Write a 4 – to 5-page paper in which you address the following thoroughly. Cite specifics from research wherever possible to support your paper:  Examine the year of 2020 and the Phillipines and the impact Covid-19 has had on the Phillipines navy.  Debate the likelihood of US’s involvement in the phillipines and why it’s important … Read more