This is a formal paper that “connects” at least one specific theme or issues in the readings to a contemporary issue or experiences in your life today.After completing the notes on all the readings for that day you will then select at least one of the themes/issues in the readings to connect to something in … Read more

The Woman’s Hour

Book need to read: Elaine Weiss, The Womans Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote Instructions: Please answer  the  prompt  question(s)  in  essay  form. Your paper must contain clear  and concise analysis and beat least three pages in length(no more than five), double-spaced, with one-inch margins and twelve-point font. Prompt Question(due Saturday,March 6,2020): In … Read more

The federal and state courts

1.In a paragraph answer the following prompt: Does the above history of judicial racism in this county impact modern race relations in the United States? Why or why not?2.President Joe Biden has said he will allow Qualified Immunity to continue, but attempt to rein it in. Through legislation, Congress and the President could get rid … Read more

South African History

Based on your knowledge of South African history, do you consider these novels (Thomas Mofolos Chaka and Zakes Mdas The Heart of Redness) to be historically accurate? At which points do you believe the author(s) embellish, add, or alter certain historical details, and for what reasons do you think they do this? In what way … Read more


One important process in human history was the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled complex civilizations. For this Milestone, you will identify the features of complex societies, analyze real historical examples, and discover how culture can shape civilizations. Delivery:This assignment consists of a six-paragraph essay and at least three images (which you will paste into … Read more

Inequality & Gentrification

Write a brief summary of the Unit that includes the following: Race (as social construct) Structural inequality, segregation in cities Redlining Slum, definition (Mayne and UN), population statistics Extreme poverty, stats Neoliberalism Addressing slums urban renewal Gentrification definition, precursors, relation to suburbs, Cape Town example Solutions to affordable housing Must include at least 3 citations … Read more

brilliant answers only

The colonization of the Americas reflected the European attitudes and practices towards  conquered people. Excuses were made to justify exploitation, genocide, and theft of land. For instance, as we have read in chapter 2, the British used their invasion of Ireland as a “rehearsal” for their invasion of North America. In this case, the excuse … Read more

Establishing New Spain

Purpose: As discussed in the lecture, the establishment of Spanish colonial rule in Mesoamerica was uneven. Even with the widespread destruction caused by disease and forced labor, Indigenous people never disappeared and the Spanish never entirely replaced Indigenous forms of social and political life (and it was rarely advantageous for them to try). Our readings … Read more

History 111, Essay Two

By the assigned due dates, students will respond to ONE of the following questions on which to compose a 3-4-page essay (11 or 12-point font, double-spaced).  In addition to using websites, you should also use your textbook or other credible academic sources to help you in your research. You must also some of the sources … Read more

Drafting of the U.S. Constitution

Research Plan Preparation Worksheet Prompt: Replace the original questions with a revised version of that question, and one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for that question to give your instructor insight on your revision process. Then, answer the questions about the primary sources below with the relevant information.  Research Question 1 … Read more