read power point and question

   Question 1 Describe Kohlberg’s model of cognitive moral development. Give an example for each of the stages. Your Answer: Question 2 Making ethical decisions takes moral awareness, moral judgment, and moral character. Define each term and explain how you would use it in business. Your Answer: Question 3 Explain the process for ethical decision … Read more

Healthcare Management paper

In essay format, describe the following for NYS residents:  How are uninsured are expected to seek and obtain coverage?  How does household income come into play in decision making? Essay format: double-spaced, 12- font, in MLA or APA format and placed through SafeAssign.Supporting references required, one of which must be the textbook. Supporting references required, … Read more

Healthcare Management questions

Question 1: Identify three elements of the Affordable Care Act that have been implemented. Describe each element and indicate how the change has impacted this group of individuals. Question 2: Over the past decade social media has taken center stage as a tool for communication. How has social media changed how both consumers and organizations deal … Read more

Research paper HR

 Students will research a companys human resource department and describe how the company is structured, hiring practices, nature of the business, employee benefits and additional information pertaining to HR concepts studied in the course. The paper should be 7pages in length and follow APA 7th edition format for submission. Utilize a minimum of 4 peer … Read more

5-7 Paragraph Paper

Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no.” What would you do? Write a plan for how would you approach your conversation … Read more

Pay close attention to detail. Business Human Resources Management.

  Overall Course Summative Assessment Assess Human Resources Information Systems and business technology. Analyze data to identify potential Human Resources needs and problems. Apply market research and benchmarking techniques to generate solutions. Evaluate solutions in order to address workforce needs. Examine the financial impact of workforce solutions on organizational strategy. Create a report of the … Read more

Research Paper

Instructions Strategic Analysis This week’s paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. No paper should be fewer than 1400 words. Double space your work, cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. If you … Read more

D 5

Identify common organization citizenship behaviors and discuss their correlation with job satisfaction. Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format.  You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer.  You must also have two in-text citation of sources for the assignment. 200 words minimum