The Impact of social movements on policy development

  The Impact of Social Movements on Policy Development Social change and, ultimately, policy development often emerge from social movements in areas such as civil rights, gender equality, labor, religious rights, family planning, ecology and climate change, and community services. Chapter 7 of your Simons Public Policy text discusses movements and social upheavals growing out of … Read more

Social movements

  Social Movements Personal Experiences Given that social movements are intentional change processes, discuss two such movements of which you are aware. Consider how the results of these changes have affected you personally and professionally. Use the Internet and the resources in the course to identify these intentional change processes. Reference your resources according to APA … Read more

Ethical Response to a Crisis

   In This is PR read Chapter 5, Theoretical Underpinnings Chapter 6, PR Ethics and Responsibilities Chapter 7, PR and the Law To complete this assignment, please select a well-known person or a company with an ethical challenge and answer these questions. 1) What ethical problems being faced? 2) What legal issues are involved? Be … Read more


 For each of the following advertising resources for recruitment answer the following questions. Advertising Resources:  Internal Recruitment Print Advertising (Local media, National publications) Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) Job Fairs Professional Conferences Internet Sources (monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc.) Universities & Colleges Search Firm Answer the following questions for each resource: What are the pros and … Read more


 After reading chapter-5 and chapter-6 from the attached textbook answer the following questions as thorough as you can. Answer should be in own words based on the understanding from chapters, APA format must and strictly no plagiarism. Minimum assignment 2 pages.    Are you a believer in hiring based on a perfect resume or the … Read more

Homework Question

  As a first step toward crafting your discussion post, review the short video, , from this module’s assigned resources. Now, apply the six types of power identified in the video to the Netflix case study, which you read about last week. Official (positional) power Transactional (reward) power Coercive power Knowledge (information) power Charismatic Principle-centered … Read more

Homework Question

 As you work on this assignment, you will need to refer to the two articles and the presentation about Netflix in the Module One Readings and Resources folder. For this assignment, your task is to incorporate the concepts in Watzlawick’s iceberg model of communication to analyze the organizational culture at Netflix. As you work on … Read more


  Using the , locate one peer-reviewed research study with possible ethical concerns. You may use a research study you identified in the Week 2 Annotated Bibliography assignment if appropriate but not the same article used in the Week 3 Learning Team assignment. Review ethical principles learned this week. When you select your article, consider … Read more

Discussion Question 1 week 6

  HR Knowledge 5: Legal & Unions Select and READ one of the following case studies (located in your textbook): CASE 10-1 WILLFUL VIOLATION, OR A PROBLEM THAT CAN BE CORRECTED? CASE 10-2 CONSTRUCTIVE DISCHARGE AND REINSTATEMENT OF STRIKERS  Next, analyze the case and provide an overview of key points or discussions. An overview is not a detailed description or … Read more

Compensation Productivity Tools

7 page paper: MUST READ INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED! AND FOLLOW THE GRADING RUBRIC FOR HEADING FOR THE PAPER!!! Your job as the Human Resource Systems Manager is to search the web, do library research and find appropriate tools that can interface with your current HRIS system.  Summarizing for the compensation manager what appropriate standalone tools are … Read more