Unit 10: Sport as a Human Right In chapter 11, Schultz describes how people and organizations have considered sport as a human right. Reflect on how this way of thinking affects how we as a society should argue for advancements in opportunities for girls and women in sport. Pretend you are writing a 300 – … Read more


Unit 9: The Health of Young Female Athletes In chapter 10, Schultz describes a variety of ways that the health of girls and women are negatively impacted through sport. In the chapter, she addresses the following concerns that can negatively impact the health of athletes:   -physical injury  -disordered eating -the use of PEDs -sexual violence   Task: Explain what a young female athlete needs … Read more

Stories in Diverse Media

you will be required to write a 4 page report in response to specific questions listed below based on the story we are other people tonight What are the major narrative components of your story? What is the medium of your story? How do you think it influences the structure and meaning of your story? … Read more

International Center for Transitional Justice

. Review the website for the International Center for Transitional Justice. If you would like to use another case study beyond what you find on the website, please ask your instructor. Please do not use Northern Ireland.http://ictj.org/ 2. Select an ongoing case study in transitional justice. Research the background and current issues in the problem. … Read more

ethnography on a random cultural phenomenon

During the semester you will be responsible for writing a short report on a cultural topic called ethnography. An ethnography is a cultural report that is based on the scientific method. Your ethnography will be based on you using one primary research method (interview, observation, or participant observation) that you chose to answer one research … Read more

International Relations

My Research Topic is: “How could the US be said to have overstepped its boundaries in intervening in other countries’ internal affairs?”.Please find the instructions on the attached document. Include Harvard-style citations and a bibliography.Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions.

Program Theory and Program Planning

Program Theory and Program PlanningAlthough each program administrator will develop their own unique leadership style, understanding program planning theories will help clarify how to approach how to make decisions throughout the program development process. The readings have provided an overview of different practices and administration and leadership theories. Reflect upon a theory that most resonates … Read more

research report

REQUIREMENTSLength: 2000 wordsFormat: APA (Refer to the style guidelines presented in the appendix of the textbook for in-text and bibliographic citations. Refer to the Purdue OWL’s page of general APA format (Links to an external site.) for the title page and abstract. Use APA 7.)Sources: 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources found through the UF Library (NOT … Read more

observational experiment proposal

All scientific research happens after being proposed and accepted and funded — whether it’s a student’s thesis or dissertation project or experienced researchers seeking grants from a research-funding organization like the National Science Foundation (NSF). Research proposals contain justification for the project–its context, subject, and methodology. The context and subject are described in the literature … Read more


Part 1 To start, watch the video Turning up plant efficiency” (https://www.google.com/search?q=turning+plant+efficiency+video&oq=turning+plant+efficiency+video&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2.10018j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_-HqzYNCQGNKFtQaMtq74DQ35), a general-audience explanation of a scientific study published by Science, one of the top two journals in all of the natural sciences, and download the corresponding published study, Improving photosynthesis and crop productivity by accelerating recovery from photoprotection”(https://science.sciencemag.org/content/354/6314/857). In your post, answer the … Read more