Human Resource Job

The full name of the student and the title of the assignment should appear in the header or footer.  Explain which career field you wish to pursue after college and why. (choose anything in the human resource field that easy to elaborate on)  Research and share some of the common ethical dilemmas, including any Big … Read more

Social issues in US

Pick ONE or TWO of the following and write 6-7 pages total.1. Using Putnam and Reich, discuss what types of inequalities we find in the USA and what seem to be the causes of them? This is a big, open topic, and there is no exact answer that I’m looking for, but rather a thoughtful … Read more

Persuasive Speech

This is a persuasive essay. you have to do some research and write it in APA format. Please look at the example Persuasive speech outline. You will need to write exactly like that outline. you will need to delete the example answers and fill your own answers. Instructions are in PDF. please read through.

transitional justice in sudan

I need a 3000 word paper on transitional justice in sudan. you need to include the history of sudan and its conflicts such as wars. and the transitional justice process there whether it was positive or negative. everything about the transitional process must be included. When writing the paper make it very basic and easy … Read more

Using critical thinking strategies, critically analyse and evaluate the various conspiracy theories offered about the origin, transmission and treatment of the COVID-19 virus.

Brief: Write a critical essay of 1500 words, word processed in font size 12pt and formatted using 1.5 line spacing. Essay Title: Using critical thinking strategies, critically analyse and evaluate the various conspiracy theories offered about the origin, transmission and treatment of the COVID-19 virus. You must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of CT strategies and … Read more

3 minutes thesis speech

– Present Thesis/research work as part of the “3MT”. – Find below more information about the competition. What is Three Minute Thesis (3MT)? The Three Minute Thesis competition or 3MT challenges participants to present their research in just 180 seconds, in an engaging form that can be understood by an intelligent audience with no background … Read more


Allison is a 35-year-old Caucasian female who is a disabled veteran that recently lost her job due to a declining state of mental health. Allison has suffered from PTSD for over 10 years. Allison was originally diagnosed with PTSD after returning from combat overseas from the Middle East by the VA and was given an … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Chap 9. How do People Make a Living? Assignment: Watch the documentary, “When Two Worlds Collide”. You may find it Youtube or Netflix. Write a reflection about the argument presented in this documentary, and connect it to this week’s reading material. Think about the clashes on the modes of production that are depicted in the … Read more


Throughout this course, you have gained an understanding of the variety of types of crises that can affect and impact the lives of diverse populations. For this assignment, you will review the case study below and write a 2-3 page expository essay explaining how crises affect individuals with physical disability and/or mental illness. Your assignment … Read more