Discussion 5 Response 2

Please respond to 1&2. Please make sure there is a reference for each question. This is what I wrote: The ethical code of conduct at NOHS helps in achieving its primary goal of enhancing human life. The organizations moral code calls for the respect of dignity and wellbeing of all persons, honoring cultural diversity, social … Read more

Discussion 4 Response 1

Please respond to 1 & 2. please make sure responses have references. As a manufacturer of soothing mats for babies, the firm can incorporate corporate social responsibility by incorporating environmentally friendly practices.  For instance, standardizing the quality of materials (green materials) in the manufacturing process, the enterprise will minimize toxins release in the surrounding.  The … Read more

look at the comments

My historical incident is Right of passage over Indian territory (Portugal vs India), My IGO is ICJ (international court of justice). read the structure and format in the attachment, follow every single word that is included because my professor is VERY picky she deducts 10 points for every small mistake and make sure the citations … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write an 8 page paper using the book Punished by Victor Rios to write about  contemporary cultural encounters in the US related to minority culture such as the groups presented in the book Punished and how it relates to  Black Lives Matter and African Americans.I can send the book by mail.

Gastrointestinal problem in older adults

Read Case Study (Rosa) down below.  What do you think is going on with Rosa?  How might you help Rosa improve her symptoms by making specific changes in her diet?  Rosa states that she is “afraid to eat”. What are some ideas you have to encourage Rosa to eat an adequate diet? Rosa is a … Read more

Globalization FP

First, provide a historical overview and theoretical foundation for globalization. How does globalization affect your everyday life? Select a single aspect of globalization we studied in this course (multiculturalism; securitization of migration; cultural paradigms; conflict/assimilation/hybridization; populism, nationalism, internationalism, economic interdependence) that you consider as most important. Discuss its influence on your immediate surroundings and include … Read more

car 300

This paper should 3 pages long and be free of all grammatical errors. This paper should reflect the midpoint of your internship. How have you grown personally in this experience? How have your duties changed? Has this experience been what you thought it would be? Would you recommend this internship to anyone? Consider answering the … Read more

Language Interview

Choose two people to interview. One person should be older than you, while the other is younger than you.  (Suggested age difference from yourself is at least 10 years). Construct 5-10 interview questions that will help you answer the research question about how communication and language has changed over time. It is best to ask … Read more

Special travel rights for Covid-19 vaccinated people?

I would like an essay that discusses how vaccination passports can affect international travel (also related to the hospitality industry). Should there be benefits for vaccinated people? How does it look from an economic point of view? Are such special privileges justifiable from an ethical point of view? The body of the text should consist … Read more