Submerged State

    What is meant by the concept of the “submerged state?”  How do you think it impacts public support for government intervention? Poor    Minimal    Sufficient    Above Average    ExemplaryResponse Quality    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 5 (5.00%)Postings and replies were off topic and contained mostly opinions with little-to-no discussion of readings OR LESS THAN THREE POSTINGS WERE … Read more

our assumptions about race and ethnicity. Former NYC Mayor David Dinkins was fond of calling my unique city “the gorgeous mosiac.” Your pithy, integrative, and original essay should be between 3-4 pages, and will be due on Tuesday, March 23rd. Go get ‘e

  Why It’s So Hard to Talk to           White People About Racism Dr. Robin DiAngelo explains why white people implode when talking about race. I am white. I have spent years studying what it means to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless, yet is deeply divided by … Read more

Climate Change

This is a current affairs essay. In this essay, you are asked to write a maximum of 2,000 words, where you discuss an event or issue of current affairs interest in connection to a topic discussed in class. You are asked to briefly describe the event and draw connections to the material discussed in class. … Read more

Critical analysis portfolio

Analyze my event, The first world cup/football world cup, from Milestone One through the history and humanities lenses. I have attached my first milestone for reference. I need two separate analyses: one from the history and one from the humanities. You must submit two papers in a single Word document. Analyze your issue/event through the … Read more

Globalization in the Media

Select a popular-culture example that has global distribution. (It can be a television show/episode, a commercial, a game, a movie, etc.) Analyze the social message that is associated with the example from a global perspective. Briefly describe the popular-culture example you selected and address the following: **How does your example portray or reflect globalization?**What is … Read more

midterm term

Mid-Term Exam-Spring 2021: HUM 265 Our Mid-Term exam will include a list of terms or concepts that you are asked to define/discuss exactly in the way that you identify your terms from the chapter each week. By this I mean you are asked to: 1. Identify the term and bold it 2. Number each response … Read more

Threat to Foreign Nation-State

Assignment Instructions: Please answer the question below with an essay answer. Each answer should be 4 pages total (not including title page and bibliography), typed double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12-pont font. Remember to us the Chicago Style Manual for all citations and bibliography. A minimum of five (5) scholarly sources are required for this … Read more


watch the video below . you will need to do the following1) Find a quote that from the video that you found illuminating or interesting about Shelley’s life, her inspiration for Frankenstein. You can pick a quote that focuses on an issue such as her life and family.  You can also pick a quote about … Read more

Strepsirhine Questions

Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will not be enough to get a high grade 1. Over the next few weeks we will be studying different groups within the Order Primates. What are the names of the two main groups (suborders) of primates? When does … Read more