extra credit

For this extra credit exercise, you will identify some skills you acquired from learning syntax which you can apply in the real world. As you already know, the framework we used is the Transformational Grammar framework (which is a type of Generative Grammar). However, you may not find a lot of applications of Transformational Grammar … Read more

DiscusionTry zazen yourself

Before beginning: make sure you have read the selections from Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. Set your timer for 5 minutes. Sit down. You can follow the instructions for posture in Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, or you can sit in another way. It’s fine to sit in a chair, but you should sit upright — don’t … Read more

How does Instagram and its Influencers, influence us?

This assignment will require investigation into a topic where you are able to add research to an ongoing conversation. Through your research on this topic, you should be able to identify the generally agreed upon knowledge about the topic already, and also what has not yet been fully explored. In adding to the ongoing conversation, … Read more

see instructions

Need help with a Excel spread sheet comparing question 1&2the 2nd two questions are comparing 3&4the third two variable to compare is question 10 &11https://youtu.be/y2Ge3dUgRSchttps://youtu.be/y2Ge3dUgRSchttps://youtu.be/8FN_RNYRXws If I could have pivot tables to make things as easy as possible

Written Activity #8

Written Activity #8: MEAD Project Proposal Overview:  As students, you have engaged in a series of activities called “Public Anthropology” this semester.  These activities – your readings, assignments, and discussions – were inspired by Margaret Mead’s foundational engagement with wider publics, and not just with other anthropologists.  Our thinking and approach are also based on … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Learning is enhanced when you take time to reflect on the process. This week, you will have a journal that asks you to discuss your thoughts in relation to the topic for the unit. Your reflection and writing will help with your understanding of the content covered. Your response to this journal should be clear, … Read more

Womens Rights Movement Begins

Find 3 primary and 3 secondary sources that pertain to your research topic. The Topic is the Woman Suffrage movement. Below each citation, write a short paragraph (100 words) for each source you find, summarizing the content and explaining how this source will be useful in your paper. must be in Chicago style citations I … Read more

New 3 Page Paper Latin American

write an essay on ANY SUBJECT between 1820 and 1940s, that means, between the Monroe Doctrine and the Good Neighbor Policy. It does not have to be the Monroe Doctrine or the Good Neighbor Policy specifically, but instead any subject, theme, topic, event, process, or development that took place between those too, including them if … Read more

Euthanasia – Topic Selection and Discussion

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 5, 6LessonMinimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbook)InstructionsThis assignment is the first step in a three part project. You only need to focus on part one at this point. Each step will build on earlier steps. However, it is not a … Read more