Revised Statement of Purpose

Guidelines for Statement of Purpose Assignment Your statement of purpose should indicate as specifically as possible the following: The topic you have selected to write about for your research paperYour primary thesisThe significance of the topic you are writing aboutThree research questions that your paper will answerThe statement of purpose should be double-spaced, with hone-inch … Read more

free response

The purpose of this response is for you to try and relate the ideas introduced in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 with your own lived experience. The statement I would like you to respond to is this: identify at least one way in which forces of economic and/or political globalization have materialized in your home … Read more

Nazi Cinema and Third Reich

NAZI CINEMA AND THE THIRD REICH:  GUIDELINES FOR ESSAY  1 Purpose:  The purpose of this essay examination as a formal writing assignment is to develop the students skill in critical reading through assessment, comparison, and contrast of the contribution of the assigned texts to her/his informed understanding of the themes and issues of the course.  … Read more

free response

The purpose of this response is for you to try and relate the ideas introduced in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 with your own lived experience. The statement I would like you to respond to is this: identify at least one way in which forces of economic and/or political globalization have materialized in your home … Read more


Listen to the following podcast. Title: Stuff you should know Episode: How gender reassignment worksWrite a one-paragraph summary of the content of the episode. Then answer a combination of the following questions in 2 or more pages (12 point font, 1.5 space):-What does this episode teach us about gender and society?-What information is presented?-How was … Read more


Title: Stuff you should know Episode: How gender reassignment works Write a one-paragraph summary of the content of the episode. Then answer a combination of the following questions in 2 or more pages (12 point font, 1.5 space): What does this episode teach us about gender and society? What information is presented? How was the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

explore the relationship between Anthropology and Colonialism. 1) In an op-ed fashion  (500 words max) explain the relationship between colonial projects and the birth of anthropology. Here are some guiding questions: Do you agree with the statement that anthropology is one of the products of colonialism during the 16th, 17th, and 18th, centuries? Is so, … Read more

Public Speaking

Controversial Intercultural Speech Preparation Assignment(Intercultural Knowledge and Competence) Situation:Imagine that you have been tasked to give an effective informative speech to an audience that is very different from you culturally. In other words, the audience consists of people whose national, linguistic, socio-economic, racial, ethnic, and/or religious norms are very different from yours. Choose a topic … Read more

counseling skills

You will now work solo!  You will review the “clients” answers to the Final Ten Questions your client/instructor answered in the Module 3 Discussion area. Answer the questions below: Analyze and reflect on the answers the client provided.  Did any of the answers surprise you or lead to less information than you had hoped for?Reflect … Read more

counseling skills

M4 Discussion: Active ListeningActive Listening Skills Choose one of the following two topics to post your initial comment in this discussion – make sure your subject line reflects the discussion topic you select (ie. “Concrete vs. Abstract” or “Turning Negatives into Positives” 1.  Concrete vs. Abstract Discuss the importance of the concrete-abstract distinction and how … Read more