Project Management Maturity Model Case Study

 Your company has recently experienced two significant project failures and is losing customers because of it. They have asked for your input on how to turn things around and improve project management processes. Unfortunately, from your perspective, there are no set processes to begin with; everyone approaches projects differently and there is little to no … Read more

information Security

 Cryptography is used to protect confidential data in many areas. Chose one type of cryptography attack and briefly explain how it works (examples include: ciphertext-only attack, known-plain-test attack, chosen-plaintext, chosen-ciphertext attack, timing attack, rubber hose attack, adaptive attack).  write at least 300 words.

Module 1 – Case RISK ASSESSMENT Assignment Overview

Module 1 – Case RISK ASSESSMENT Assignment Overview Risk Assessment Review these documents on systematic risk assessment frameworks, fundamentals, and processes for risk assessment. Matrixes are also suggested to guide detailed risk assessment of threats, their likelihood, and impacts, etc. (2017) NIST Document: Security and privacy controls for information systems and organizations.  800-53 Revision 5, Chapter … Read more

3.4 Discussion: Aggregate Expenditure Model

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. Read the following information from the US Federal Reserve Beige Book for September 2, 2020. As you read, think about how spending by consumers, companies, and the government may affect each other. Overall Economic ActivityEconomic activity increased among most Districts, but … Read more


case study analysis that should incorporate critical thinking and ethics): Discuss at least 5 quality coding practices that can improve programs; in terms of security and functionality. And discuss why a code of ethics would be considered a best practice.  requirement  APA format  4 pages  introduction paragraph ABSTARCT paragraph and conclusion paragraph with references mandatory  … Read more

Cookies as spyware assignment

  1. Get an idea of what kind of information cookies store. You might find the following websites helpful: 2. Write a 2-page report (using APA Style) explaining in what way cookies can invade privacy. 

cookies as spyware assignment 2 pages APA format with Citations

   1. Get an idea of what kind of information cookies store. You might find the following websites helpful: 2.html Write a 2-page report (using APA Style) with Citations properly, Explaining in what way cookies can invade privacy 

Emergency Task

 we are opening a new VEGAN restaurant in California.  Implement a Distribution and Promotion strategy to expand/develop your business.  Please cover the below topics. Note: 3 to 4 pages and 2 PPT slides too                    Distribution Strategy                           1. Develop your companys distribution strategy?                          2. Describe channels of your distribution strategy?                          3. Identify factors influencing your distribution … Read more

Chapter 2 – Literature Review and PowerPoint Presentation

Topic: Cloud Computing_Cloud Security Attached Files: Chapter 2 – Literature Review.   You are expected to complete 5-10 pages of your Literature Review during this Residency session.  This will include the use of the most current Dissertation Template (attached here) following APA7 guidelines.  All work must be properly cited and referenced. You must include at least … Read more

discussion 2

First we look at what happened to music, by that you can see what would likely happen to movie, TV programming,  sports, gaming, etc.   By now, based on the 10 drivers( in the article “The Digital Transformation of Corporations” in Week 1 & 2), you should have a better framework to examine differences in between … Read more