Business Law case study

CASE STUDY COMMENTARY   Individual written task in Harvard style format, cover page, table of contents, blocked text and reference list.   The student must build a coherent discussion or argument in essay format, analyzing theories and models. Ethical theories, legal cases and case studies may be referred to when providing examples. Cite all sources.   Students must … Read more


Instructions for the Critical Policy Analysis Presentation (10 points) In addition to completing the critical essay you will be required to defend your essay in the form of a presentation. Below are the expectations for the presentation: – The presentation should be brief but comprehensive enough for the class to grasp the central thesis. – … Read more

Security Organ & Admin Final Project

Please read the bottom sources used for this assignment need to be academic sources, e.g., books, journals, government-sponsored studies, and reports nothing more. Please read everything carefully . Topic 2: You are the Director of Security for a major corporation that provides around the clock security for a corporate business complex that consists of offices … Read more

minorities and crimes

Discuss differences in research findings regarding sentences imposed on whites and those imposed on African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. In addition, explain how the race of the victim affects sentencing decisions. (3 – 4 pages, double-spaced). Two scholarly journal articles should be included as references.   

Legal Regulations

Topic: Child Protection in Cyberspace Research Paper:  Prepare a report to address all aspects of the assignment.  This report should be no less than 5 pages of content.  You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources.  You must have at least 5 references, all of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed … Read more

Contracts 3

  On August 5th, George from Phils Trading Co. in Park Slope, NY called Harrys Printers in Ithaca, NY to ask about pricing and delivery for an 2,500 black t-shirts with the phrase P.S. I Love You emblazoned on the front and Park Slope New York written on the back. Phils has sold these shirts … Read more

Contracts Help

  After meetings with your client, Quick Bros. Animation, in a contract negotiation, your notes are as follows: CLIENT NOTES FOR DEAL Talent – Jeff Sohn, 30 Quaker Ridge Road, Los Angeles, CA Services – Compose, Orchestrate and record 6.5 minutes of background music, scored to the cartoon, for the animation. Compensation – $20,000 payable … Read more

Contracts 4

  Robin went to work for Titans, Inc., a major banking house, as a security specialist. He had charge of designing and implementing all security protocols and equipment at Titan Towers for Titans physical security and security of their business transactions. Before starting work, Robin signed a written employment agreement. The agreement included a non-compete … Read more

Contract 2

Professor Irwin Corey (Corey), the worlds foremost authority, was halfway through the process of hand-writing a new Business Law textbook when he realized he should buy a PC. As Corey sat at a table in the school cafeteria fumbling through his notes, Tara Brainiac (Tara), a computer lab assistant at the university, happened to pass … Read more


Oliver Dollar decided to sell his ancestral home, Forde Abbey, a large mansion located on 100 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds. On February 1, he placed the following advertisement in The Rich & Shameless Report, a magazine read by the very wealthy: Offer For Sale: Forde Abbey, to the first acceptable purchaser for $6 million, … Read more