Discussion Post Week 6

  You have by now read several chapters of Criminal Justice Policy Origins and Effectiveness and should have a clear understanding of the number of actors within the criminal justice arena that create policy, including those in the corrections, law enforcement, and the courts among others. Each actor shares some goals with the others, but … Read more

Discussion Board 4

Topic: Measuring gang-related crime is an example of trying to measure a particular dimension of crime: motive. Other examples are hate crimes, terrorist incidents, and drug-related crimes. Specify conceptual and operational definitions for at least one of these types. Find one news article and one research report that presents an example.

Assignment 1

After a rash of automobile deaths, Congress holds a series of hearings about the effectiveness of state seatbelt laws. Much testimony before Congress indicates that although all states require their drivers to wear seatbelts, many states do not effectively enforce these rules. Congress finds that this lax enforcement leads to thousands of the highway deaths … Read more

Minorities and crimes

Discuss inequalities in income and wealth with respect to race and ethnicity. In addition, explain whether the social and economic gap between whites and people of color is narrowing or growing. (3 – 4 pages, Time New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced). Two scholarly journal articles should be included as references. 


   IFSM 370 7380 Telecommunications Week 1 Discuss Telecommunications Laws and Regulations Select a specific telecommunications law or regulation. Summarize the law/regulation and discuss at least one significant thing that came out of this law/regulation is passed. Aim for at least several paragraphs for your initial discussion post. Please try to avoid posting about a … Read more

300 Words

You have learned that the oldest and most reliable type of biometrics is the fingerprint; however, other biometrics are being used alone or in conjunction with fingerprints in in criminal investigations. Respond to the following: Identify and explain 2 other forms of biometrics. How they are helping identify suspects in criminal investigations? What are some … Read more

Project 2

Instructions No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Project 2: Legal Challenges Confronting Private Security Operations: Administrative Searches Scenario: You accept a position as the Corporate Security Director for ACME Electronics, a company that manufactures different devices for a variety of well-known brands, including cell phones, cameras, camcorders, stereos, computers, tablets, … Read more

Think-Tank Organization

 Project 2 – Research Paper        No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Background: You are employed on the staff of the Association for Municipal Cities, a think-tank organization of researchers who take on projects for various mayors and city managers. You specialize in research on the organization and operation of the … Read more

Case Study: Starbucks JC

Read the three articles noted below about an actual union-organizing effort involving Starbucks in New York City: After reading all the articles and considering additional research, address the following questions (feel free to use supplemental authoritative resources in your response): Do you think the administrative law judge and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) went … Read more

Assignment 3 torts

Greg went into the doctor because of pain he had been experiencing in his right shoulder. The doctor did an MRI and advised her that he was in need of rotator cuff surgery. After discussing all of the risks associated with it, Greg agreed to undergo the surgery. The surgery was conducted on July 12, … Read more