Discussion unit 2

You are studying the federal court system and your states court system. The highest court in the federal system is the U.S. Supreme Court. Watch the following video about how a case may make its way to the Supreme Court: As stated in the video, most cases do not make it to the Supreme Court. … Read more

Current Court Issue

Research a current issue facing the court today and break down the issue for understanding, making sure to include current examples of this issue in todays courts and then brainstorm possible solutions. Also include an analysis of how this issue effects the daily functioning of the courts. Has to be 250 words and APA citations. 

hot spots

 Crime hot spots are areas where crime reports, calls for police service, or other measures of crime are especially common.  Police in departments with a good analytic capability routinely identify hot spots and launch special tactics to reduce crime in these areas.  What kinds of validity threats should researchers be especially attentive to in studying … Read more

crime justice

  3 paragraphs Measuring gang-related crime is an example of trying to measure a particular dimension of crime: motive.  Other examples are hate crimes, terrorism, and drug related crimes.  Specify conceptual and operational definitions for two of these types.  Find one internet article and one research paper that presents an example. 


4 paragraphs Stop-and-frisk is a controversial tactic in which police approach persons on the street who appear to act suspiciously, “frisk” them for weapons or contraband, then ask some questions.  Reseach in New York City has shown that young males of color are more often stopped than older people, females, or whites.  Briefly describe two … Read more


threeparagraphs Based on what you have learned about the criteria of causation and threats to the validity of causal inference, what cause and effect relationships are implied?  What are some alternative explanation? Guns dont kill people, people kill people. Capitol punishment prevents . Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the use of other … Read more

Court Justices

The Supreme Court Justices is the highest judicial body in the United States. Its membership currently consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices. The Justices are nominated by the President of the United States and appointed after confirmation by the United State Senate. Justices of the Supreme Court have … Read more

Discussion Board: Predicting Criminals

Below is the instruction for the assignment, The article attached is a reading, only a 300 word responds is required. Please read the following article.  Notice the title says “politicians” know little about why crime rises and falls, but criminologists have some consistently valid ideas. Of the explanations offered in the book, which do you … Read more

Constintutional Law, Paper

I Thoroughly analyze and evaluate the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Identify 3 to 5 significant features it presents for former slaves in 1868. How does the 14th Amendment revolutionize the status of African slaves? What do you consider to be its most important meaning to our nation? Would America be the same … Read more

Ethics in Corrections

  In at least 40 words or more, define at least five duties of a correctional officer. List and discuss three ethical dilemmas faced by correctional officers. The word count will vary in this section. In at least 50 words or more, discuss three ways correctional officers can avoid those dilemmas. In at least 100 … Read more