Purpose of the U.S. Constitution.

  In this assignment, you are to write a 600 word paper explaining the history, structure, and purpose of the U.S. Constitution. Please ensure the following items are included in your response: Identify events that led to the creation of the document. Identify the general topics covered in the various sections of the U.S. Constitution. The … Read more

ART101_31_ART HISTORY unit 3

  Advances in architectural achievements thrived during the Aegean and Greek eras, creating visual inspirations still used today.  Investigate the progress of architecture and describe the development of architecture in this time period. Paragraph 1: Aegean Architecture (Mycenean and/or Minoan). Paragraph 2: Greek Architecture (Archaic, Classical, and/or Hellenistic) In responses to your peers, discuss the … Read more

What does the Constitution

What does the Constitution say about the rights of the people? Be careful, because it is not obvious what rights really are in the Constitution, and it would be a mistake to use that stuff everybody (allegedly) knows, because it is technically insufficient and often incorrect. In your response, please choose four rights, give specific … Read more


Public Reaction to Violence There are some acts of violence that capture our attention and interest more than others. In this assignment, you will explore an instance of violence that captured the nation’s attention. On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson, Missouri police office. The shooting and resulting protests … Read more

Action plan 3

Conflict Resolution: Part 3 Action Plan AssignmentInstructions    Overview    This ConflictResolution: Part 3 Action Plan Assignment will eventually be the lastsection of the Conflict Resolution: Part 4 Proposal Assignment. Thissection will consist of you providing a detailed plan for addressing theconflict identified in the previous assignments.  Your intervention plan that is selectedshould be congruent … Read more

terrorist organization

What criteria should be present in order for a group to be considered a “hate” group or a terrorist organization? Is it proper to label a group as a “hate” group simply because its members advocate a political opinion? What if the group does not itself engage in violence but supports another that does through … Read more

Theoretical conception

Discussion Assignment Instructions    You will complete four(4) Discussions in this course. You will post one thread ofat least 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assignedModule: Week. You must then post two (2) replies of atleast 250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of thefollowing assigned Module: Week. For each thread, you must supporttheir assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in thecurrent APA format. Each reply must incorporate atleast 1 scholarly citation and one Holy Biblereference in the … Read more

Journal review 700

Journal ArticleReview Assignment Instructions Overview The most important channel for academic research isthe peer-reviewed journal article. In a peer-reviewed journal article, ascholar will: 1) propose a research question; 2) demonstrate the importance ofthis research question through analysis of relevant literature; 3) introduce astudy that will explore the research question; 4) detail and analyze theresults of … Read more

The state…. 701

Discussions AssignmentInstructions In thiscourse, Discussions play an exceptionally important role. The readingsare relatively short to allow for substantial reflection, personal research,and quality discussion to occur. Consider these threads and replies to beformal communications on the same level as those you would conduct withemployers, clients, or colleagues in the professional, political, or academicworld. As such, they must … Read more

criminal justice

   ***Who are you as a Leader*** The objective of this  is to assist students in identifying who they are as leaders. After completing this assignment, students should better understand their preferred leadership style, core values, and life experiences that influence their leadership approach. To complete this , students must answer the following questions in … Read more