Probation as a Social Service

 How would a social service approach for probation be more effective in helping to reduce recidivism? What additional trainings should a probation officer receive in order to be more effective using a social service approach?   400 words

Categories Law

Discrimination Writing Assignment

Discrimination Writing Assignment: You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has any cut and paste material. See Syllabus. Like all papers youll submit, formatting is: 1 margins all around, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. There is 3-page minimum, one page per question. The more … Read more

rehabilitation process

 The student will submit a 12-page proposal for his/her Research Paper: Final with a list of the topic/content choices, academic references, and chosen Scriptures. The paper must include at least 5 references in addition to the course textbook and the Bible (for a total of 7 references).   the rehabilitation process, what are some creative ways … Read more

Categories Law

criminal profiling is effective?

address whether criminal profiling is effective? Please specify cases in which profiling was effective or when it misled an investigation. Make sure to include discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of criminal profiling. Include identification of the attributes of a successful criminal profiler and whether mental health professionals make good profilers?  400 words

Categories Law

Discrimination Writing Assignment

You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has any cut and paste material. See Syllabus. Like all papers youll submit, formatting is: 1 margins all around, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. There is 3-page minimum, one page per question. The more work you do, … Read more

discussion response

  Respond to listed statements in at least 300 words each statement . Do you agree or disagree with the statement.  Statement 1:  While there are many positive connotations to Uniform Crime Reports, there are also many limitations to the practice  Statement 2: Based on the data compiled regarding domestic violence, even with the limitations, … Read more

Categories Law

Legal Brief

  These 2 cases need to be in a legal brief format that is attached. In 1988, in Louisiana Association of Educators v. Edward, the Louisiana Supreme Court held that the Legislature has the exclusive authority to determine how much money would be appropriated for the public education system and that the school funding formula, developed … Read more

Categories Law

domestic violence

Joseph lives in a state that permits the use of marijuana for medical purposes. He takes it as medicine each day. During Christmas holidays he visits his mother in New York, which does not permit the use of medical marijuana. He is arrested for the possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of selling. … Read more

M5D1: So Much Can Happen in the Military

Please refer to the attached files containing more detailed information and instructions. Be sure to answer each question in it’s entirety one by one being as clear and precise as possible.Write and label each question by number then provide detailed answer under each question.

discussion 2

 Jones was the attorney for the Town of Smithville. He filed a defamation lawsuit against a newspaper that served the Smithville area and against the writer of that newspapers Town Crier column. Jones based his case on statements that appeared in the column. The writer of the column referred to Jones as a political hatchet … Read more

Categories Law