Ed contracted with Becky to build a house. Immediately prior to that meeting, Becky was so nervous that she drank an entire bottle of champagne and she does not remember all of the details of the meet

Ed contracted with Becky to build a house. Immediately prior to that meeting, Becky was so nervous that she drank an entire bottle of champagne and she does not remember all of the details of the meeting. Shortly before the closing,Ed met with Becky,  accused her of fraud and threatened to prevent the contract from … Read more

Categories Law

Part of what makes the United States such a diverse society is immigration and the influx of immigrants from all over the world. Review the following websites and articles: Map: Sanctuary Cities, Coun

Part of what makes the United States such a diverse society is immigration and the influx of immigrants from all over the world. Review the following websites and articles: Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States Houston Police Officer Dead, 1 Hurt; Illegal Immigrant Suspect in Custody Dangerous California Sanctuary Policy Leaves 3 Victims in Wake … Read more

Categories Law

Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twenty (20) survey questions, the first of which must be

Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twenty (20) survey questions, the first of which must be Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twenty (20) survey questions, … Read more

Categories Law

Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twenty (20) survey questions, the first of which must be

Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twenty (20) survey questions, the first of which must be “Do you believe that most people are ethical? Why or why not?”, PLUS a minimum of two (2) demographic questions (add 17 more of your own questions for … Read more

Categories Law

1. Read “How Crime Stats Lie – And What You Need To Know To Understand Them”(https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/14/us/crime-data-reporting-united-states-homicide-increase/index.html) 2. In your initial post,

1. Read “How Crime Stats Lie – And What You Need To Know To Understand Them”(https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/14/us/crime-data-reporting-united-states-homicide-increase/index.html) 2. In your initial post, explain one fact you learned from the article that connects to the class and surprised you? Why did it surprise you? Also, provide one reason why crime statistics may not be valid indicators of … Read more

Categories Law

Review PBS Frontline’s story on juvenile justice outcomes: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/four/. Should teens who commit serious crimes be tried as adults? Review the case sum

Review PBS Frontline’s story on juvenile justice outcomes: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/four/. Should teens who commit serious crimes be tried as adults? Review the case summaries (Four kids, four crimes). Two were sent to adult court, and two were treated as juveniles. How would you decide and why? Which model of justice do you think is more appropriate as it … Read more

Categories Law

Elder Law Assignment 2#1 Describe a situation that would require crisis intervention by an elder lawyer. In A new client contacts your firm for an initial consultation. They have never had an attorney

Elder Law Assignment 2#1 Describe a situation that would require crisis intervention by an elder lawyer. In A new client contacts your firm for an initial consultation. They have never had an attorney before but feel they have reached an advanced age and now need one. The client specifically wants to know what the elder … Read more

Categories Law

Overview: Regardless of whether you own a business or are a stakeholder in a business, understanding basic contract terms is important. Businesses enter into contracts with many areas, from shipping t

Overview: Regardless of whether you own a business or are a stakeholder in a business, understanding basic contract terms is important. Businesses enter into contracts with many areas, from shipping to suppliers to customers. As a business owner or manager knowledge of these basic terms will assist you in the day to day operations of … Read more

Categories Law

1.3 Policymaking Role of the U.S. Supreme Court Jan 13 – Feb 2 The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court of last resort and has the last say in the cases it chooses to hear (i.e., Rule of Four). It

1.3 Policymaking Role of the U.S. Supreme Court Jan 13 – Feb 2 The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court of last resort and has the last say in the cases it chooses to hear (i.e., Rule of Four).  Its rulings set binding precedent across all 50 states.  The Supreme Court serves two major functions:  … Read more

Categories Law

After completing the matching quiz and scoring your results, reflect on the experience of identifying each item in the formal place setting and address the following: Formal Social Control: How does

After completing the matching quiz and scoring your results, reflect on the experience of identifying each item in the formal place setting and address the following:  Formal Social Control: How does learning and adhering to formal dining etiquette reflect formal social control? Are there rules or expectations in other areas of life that operate in … Read more

Categories Law