Functions of Law 2.3

Assignment 2.3 requires you to draft a 50-75 word answer for each of the following questions (please be sure to cite any sources used in APA): Please provide a summary of the facts of this case. Your summary should include what the Conestoga, Hobby Lobby, and Mardel companies objected to as part of their religion. … Read more

Functions of Law 1.3

Assignment 1.3 requires you to draft a 50-100 word response in APA format to the following five questions.  To organize this submission, I recommend that you simply list the question and include your response directly after it. What is law and what are some of its functions?What is English common law, and what role does … Read more

week 9 final project

For your final project, you will develop a basic departmental policy recommendation to address a public need. You will analyze historical data and relevant state or federal policies, apply relevant criminological theories, and evaluate the potential impact of the departmental policy on the general public. Public policy can be defined as the decisions, actions, laws, … Read more

Categories Law

week 9 final project

For your final project, you will develop a basic departmental policy recommendation to address a public need. You will analyze historical data and relevant state or federal policies, apply relevant criminological theories, and evaluate the potential impact of the departmental policy on the general public. Public policy can be defined as the decisions, actions, laws, … Read more

Categories Law

Drugs, justice and society

answer the following with  about 550 words. The class is Drugs, justice and society.    Describe the drug problem in America. Distinguish between drug misuse and drug abuse. Examine the prevalence rates of drug use for different groups in the United States. Compare and contrast the reasons for drug use among those different groups.

Assignment 2: Health Insurance and Quality

  Imagine that you are the clinic manager of an urgent care center. Recently, your center has seen an increase in complaints regarding long wait times, inadequate or incomplete information from staff during visits, and the relatively small number of insurance types accepted at the facility. Write a 2-3 page paper in which you: Examine … Read more

Categories Law

“Public Health Services”

  Analyze two (2) essential public health care services found in the text. Examine these services in relationship to one (1) well-known healthcare organization in your community. Provide specific examples to support your analysis. Examine the involvement of both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) in health care. … Read more

Categories Law

Systemic racism/George Floyd case

Find an example of a high-profile incident in which the actions and/or decisions of one or more individuals in the public safety field left citizens questioning the ethics of the action/decision and write a case study about that incident. Your study should address at least the following:Who were the stakeholders potentially impacted by the actions/decisions? … Read more

Unit II Case Study Business Law

  Weight: 10% of course grade Instructions Copyright Scenario Art Bouchat, an artist in Baltimore, submitted his logo design for the Baltimore Ravens professional football team, and the Ravens used a logo design that was very similar to Bouchats design for their team logo during the 19961998 seasons. Bouchat sued the Ravens for copyright infringement … Read more

Categories Law

Unit 6

You are the director for the Office of Emergency Management in Pleasantville City, U.S.A. and the mayor has requested that you present the latest emergency operations plan (EOP) at the next council meeting. City officials are concerned about being able to respond to a major earthquake because the neighboring city of Blissville was recently hit … Read more

Categories Law