Week 1 Discussion

Session 1 Discussion – Definition of Justice What is your definition of the term justice? Is justice necessary for proper administration of public agencies? Please explain and support your answer. Session 1 Friedman Discussion What are the positive aspects of having a government with three equal branches? (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)

Categories Law


Posted file research the sites below listed to find your answers for the questions i posted on file. Here are the websites: IRB – https://irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/pages/index.aspx IRB Practice and Prcedures – https://irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/legal-policy/procedures/pages/index.aspx IRCC – https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application.html IRP Act – https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-2.5/index.html IRP Regulations – https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2002-227/index.html IAD Rules – https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2002-230/index.html RAD Rules – https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2012-257/page-11.html

Discussion Post: Supreme Court: Influences and Interpretations

Supreme Court: Influences and InterpretationsCompetencies Addressed in This DiscussionCompetency 4: Document philosophical underpinnings and public policy influences associated with U.S. Supreme Court decisions.Competency 3: Explain the substantive and procedural interpretations of individual freedoms based on case analysis.IntroductionThe U.S. Supreme Court renders decisions that bind our nation. Many decisions are interpretations of the balance of individual … Read more

Policy Brief

The public budget has evolved over time. The Federal Budget and how it gets made is a complex and lengthy process that has important implications for Federal, State and Local agencies. Obviously, funding for each agency is going to affect that agencys budget. Likewise, federal funding for social programs, education, and other programs such as … Read more

Terrorist groups, domestic and international

compare and contrast (analyze) a domestic terrorist group with an international terrorist organization. The paper must include group origins, ideologies, goals as well as their methodologies and tactics Course textbook: Kirkland, Robert ed.  Case Studies in Domestic and International Terrorist Organizations.  (2017), First Edition, Cognella, ISBN:  978-1-63487-992

Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management

Provide your essay response to the question below.   A minimum of 300 words is required for this essay. At the top of your Essay state your Rank, Full name, Agency and Session number. Be sure you are writing in APA with a minimum of one source. Type your essay in a Word Document to utilize … Read more

Categories Law

EU Law

‘The protection of fundamental rights in the European Union (EU) is a rich and, at times, contested area of EU law and it has become increasingly important with the expansion of powers of the EU.’  Eleanor Spaventa, ‘Fundamental rights in the European Union’ in Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers (eds) European Union Law (2nd ed. … Read more

Hiring process of new police officers

What is generally the hiring process of new police officers and the kinds of tests commonly given to applicants? Does the process fairly evaluate police candidates? Would you add or remove any of the “hurdles” from the testing process? To correctly answer this question, identify the hiring process for a specific local police department of … Read more

Discussion Post:History and the Constitution

History and the ConstitutionCompetencies Addressed in This DiscussionCompetency 1: Describe how historical problems were managed in the evolution of the U.S. Constitution.Competency 5: Communicate effectively in writing.IntroductionThe U.S. Constitution has significant and complex history. Each marker that led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution is important in terms of understanding frame, philosophical ideologies, and … Read more


Reflect on your Capstone learning experience. What skill(s) and knowledge that you’ve acquired from the experience will most likely benefit you as transferable to the work force or to your continued pursuit of higher education in the future? What have you learned about yourself as a learner from this experience (e.g., research or writing)? Reflect … Read more