Instructions and Information This discussion board provides an opportunity to earn up to 15 extra credit points. 1: Reflection link to video: Watch the fo

Instructions and Information This discussion board provides an opportunity to earn up to 15 extra credit points. 1: Reflection link to video: Watch the following video. Provide a reflection about the video you watched (up to 1 point), 1 thing you found surprising or interesting from the video (up to 1 point), explain why they were surprising/interesting (up … Read more

Categories Law

Write a one-page reflection on what you have learned this semester in Intro to Criminal Investigations. You can incorporate reflections on the assignments or activities that helped you learn the mater

Write a one-page reflection on what you have learned this semester in Intro to Criminal Investigations. You can incorporate reflections on the assignments or activities that helped you learn the material, what concepts you feel more comfortable with, which assignments or chapters that were thought-provoking, and/or how you grew as a student in this course. … Read more

Categories Law

Read about a 2020 court case that addresses issues that continue between Indigenous Americans and the federal government. Research and address the following in 5–7 pages: Describe the Indian Major C

Read about a 2020 court case that addresses issues that continue between Indigenous Americans and the federal government. Research and address the following in 5–7 pages: Describe the Indian Major Crimes Act. Explain how there came to be a boundary between tribal and federal law. Discuss the ruling in McGirt v. Oklahoma. Do you agree with the … Read more

Categories Law

Assignment: You are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. First, select a topic from among the issues we discussed throughout the course. Your focus should be on a particular statute or la

Assignment:  You are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation.  First, select a topic from among the issues we discussed throughout the course.  Your focus should be on a particular statute or law or a subsection of a statute as well as the cases that apply to that statute.TOPIC:  United States v. Fogle, No. 15-3770. This … Read more

Categories Law

For this discussion board, please respond to 2 questions from Section A and 2 questions from Section B. Make sure you clearly indicate the question that corresponds with each of your responses. These

For this discussion board, please respond to 2 questions from Section A and 2 questions from Section B. Make sure you clearly indicate the question that corresponds with each of your responses. These questions are intended to stimulate your critical thinking skills and provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of key terms … Read more

Categories Law

Recent Breach of Contract Case ( Just need 3 questions answered. 4 sentences each ) What recent (2015-until present) breach of contract case have you heard about on the radio, on T.V., online, read or

Recent Breach of Contract Case ( Just need 3 questions answered. 4 sentences each ) What recent (2015-until present) breach of contract case have you heard about on the radio, on T.V., online, read or researched about? (No class actions, or breach of credit card/identity cases! Also, go deeper into your searches so you all … Read more

Categories Law

Read The Report on Firearms using the commission of crime it’s a 2021 document that was put out through the California Department of Justice. Link for report:

Read The Report on Firearms using the commission of crime it’s a 2021 document that was put out through the California Department of Justice. Link for report:  Make a minimum four slide PowerPoint/Keynote using the information from the supplied document.  Make sure to build it on what you think is the most important information … Read more

Categories Law

full documentary of: I am evidence (2017) students will compose a reflection essay connecting documentary information with class materials. In addition, provide a paragraph on something that you learn

full documentary of: I am evidence (2017) students will compose a reflection essay connecting documentary information with class materials. In addition, provide a paragraph on something that you learned while watching this documentary.  The video reflection should be 1-2 pages in length and adhere to APA writing guidelines (e.g., Times New Roman 12-point font, double … Read more

Categories Law

Documentar: Cornbread Cosa Nostra: The Dixie Mafia Story class material Provide a paragraph summarizing the documentary and

Documentar: Cornbread Cosa Nostra: The Dixie Mafia Story class material Provide a paragraph summarizing the documentary and a paragraph linking class material to the documentary. The reflection should be 1 page, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font. 

Categories Law

Students will be required to find a relevant case (within the last three years) on white-collar crimes on corporate fraud/crime OR environmental crime, through reliable sources (Department of Justice

Students will be required to find a relevant case (within the last three years) on white-collar crimes on corporate fraud/crime OR environmental crime, through reliable sources (Department of Justice website, FBI website, FinCen, Article Databases, etc.) and write a 1-2 page summary surrounding: 1) The fraud/crime typology involved and choose ONE theory from Chapter 12 to … Read more

Categories Law