
This story is set against national turmoil and political unrest.  A young man is culled from the population to serve as a resource for identifying insurgents.   Really ponder the title’s relevance to the story.   Titles, character names, and places are often highly significant in story telling. Clarify how the title functions in the story.  Show control over the plot and characterization … Read more


  We want to like Mrs. Dutta, Sr.  There is a Mrs. Dutta, Jr., Shyamoli.  We can like her, too. This is an immigrant story.   It is an examination of unsuccessful cultural assimilation. Students new to the country say it parallels their experience in several ways.  They often report that their parents or grandparents feel the same.  Please understand that this experience is not unique  … Read more


  DANGER OF THE SINGLE STORY is possible and impossible.  Our take-aways from an exchange or observation are shaped by who each of us is at a given point.  There could be much discussion about philosophy here.  We are impacted by what we even sense as “background noise,” our yesterdays, and our now, and whether we are in distress … Read more

American Literature

Please only provide feedback to the following post: “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” This was a call to action by Paine encouraging parents to get up and fight now so that their children would not have to fight later into their lives. It … Read more

Week 3 complete

   Week 3 Complete Molloy, M. (2020). Experiencing the World’s Religions (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). use this link to access thebook: 1. This week, we have explored religions whose genesis find their roots in Asia and in the Asian sub-continent. We have considered carefully the ancient collection of beliefs labeled Hinduism and … Read more

Week 3 Discussion

   Discussion Week 3  250 words minimum; 2 scholarly references Book: Molloy, M. (2020). Experiencing the World’s Religions (8th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). use this link to access thebook: What are two or three basic ideas of the philosophy of karma?      What are some differences between how Hindus and Buddhists approach karma? … Read more

Applications Of Motivation In Learning Theory

  Assignment Content Read the instructions in , and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Transcript Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Brochure Option 3: Forensic Psychology Transcript Option 4: Forensic Psychology Literature Handout Option 5: Health and Sports Psychology … Read more

Notes on Article

I need notes for article analysis. The article is On “Gilgamesh” and Gilgamesh 500 Words in the document preferably. SUMMARIZING the article’s main ideas.   ANALYZing the article author’s argument. What is he or she trying to say about the material? What textual evidence does the author provide? What new point or idea is the author trying … Read more


1. mini-lectures 2. Watch Cats on Broadway here scene by scene.