American literature 1865-present

Each student will submit an original PowerPoint presentation during the course. The presentation can be about  a particular literary movement studied in the course. The presentation must have at least 5 slides with relevant, accurate information (not including the Title slide and a Bibliography slide). 

Need help with essay assignment

   Directions: Write a 5pg. research paper on the following topic. Be persuasive in outlining your criticism/interpretation. One must incorporate 2-3 sources from scholarly journals. You must adhere to MLA guidelines.  We saw      the absurdity that was The Metamorphosis. In what way did this help us understand      the narrative? What does this story      tell us … Read more


Create an Anthology– For this option, you will compile an anthology (i.e. collection) of articles, poems, and/or short stories that are from the same period, same theme, or same literary form. You must include an introduction to show your understanding of the subject and provide an annotated bibliography that includes a summary and justification for … Read more

Length: 2,000words

  2.5.2 Literature review: exemplary teaching of diverse learnersWeight: 50%Type of Collaboration: IndividualDue: Monday26thAprilby11.59pmSubmission: TurnitinFormat: Submissiondetails:-Submitadraftofyourassignment(notaPDF)toTurnitinbyWednesday21stAprilby 11.59pm. ThiswillgiveyoutimetoreviewyourOriginality(Similarity)Reportandedit yourwork. Thepurposeofthedraftsubmissionisforreviewingandeditingthematches topublishedsourcesfoundinyourpaper,itisnotforreceivingfeedbackfromyourtutor. -Submitanelectroniccopyofyourfinalassignment(includingyourreferencelist)to TurnitinbyMonday26thAprilby11.59pm.-Assignmentssubmittedaftertheduedateandtime,withoutanapprovedextension,willbepenalised10%perdayforlatesubmission(seeGeneral Submission Requirements).Length: 2,000wordsCurriculum Mode: LiteratureReviewPurpose – how this assignment relates to the learning outcomesThis assignment will engage you in a review of scholarly literature on exemplary teaching. You will discuss key educationaldiscoursesrelatedtoworkingwithfamiliesanddiversestudentandthelinkstohighqualityteachingfor … Read more

World Literature Essay 3 Full pages 750 words

World Literature Essay #2 Choose two of the texts listed below: Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich Thomas Mann, Death in Venice Zhang Ailing, Sealed Off Any poem from the final two weeks of class In your essay, respond to one of the following prompts: … Read more

A local leader in the El Paso border area

   1) Local Leader Profile You will complete a 4 to 5-page paper on a local leader and how their innovation, communication, leadership style, unorthodox approach, etc. has led to their success on this border community. You can use local newspaper/magazine articles, leader/community testimonies, and even personal experience to make your argument. However, this still … Read more


This 3 stories details the impact of migration upon African families.  Describe some of the issues faced by each of these couples and consider fault lines such as language, religion, gender, sexual practices, and identity. “Missing out:Samra and Majdy”, “Homecoming: Zohra and Aziz”, and “Arrangers of marriage: Dave and Agatha”. Do their struggles resonate with … Read more

journal response

For this journal, you will summarize the journal article “Zora Neale Hurston’s Sweat and the Black Female Voice: The Perspective of the African-American woman”.  What is Marion Burke’s argument?  How does she support it?  And do you agree? about 200-300 words DUE APRIL 18th,2021

Children’s literacy

  Domestic fiction is that group of work that is centered on real life. Children read fictional stories but can easily picture themselves in that scene or performing those tasks. These works of domestic fiction help children develop emotional maturity and a sense of self-worth starting with identifying with their parents and family. Review “Psyche’s Art” … Read more