Find meFOURexamples fromTartuffe. Look for plot points, or moments of surprise and scandal-these are the moments where the characters act in their assigned stereotypical roles (how they present themselves) instead of acting like a real human would.

PLEASE READ!!!!   Look at the definition of Comedy of Manners:  Comedy of Manners is an entertainment form which satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class or of multiple classes, often represented by stereotypical stock characters.  FIND 4 EXAMPLES, 3 SENTENCES MIN. CITE, ACT,SCENE AND TIME STAMP IN VIDEO  HERE IS VIDEO LINK: … Read more

Research Paper Due April 11, 2021 (Sunday)

  Research Paper –  ******But, please pick a topic that you are interested in and comfortable enough with to do a Research-style literary paper.    Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Short story by Joyce Carol Oates Is the story That will be used. This document is to help you get started and … Read more

For anyone

  Taking into consideration the video on grit, the textbook readings for this week, and the information above, work to address the following: 1. Share a time when you experienced a challenge and overcame it. This can be large goals you set for yourself (health and fitness, home improvements, personal goals, etc.), obstacles you … Read more

Annotated bibliography

My topic is obesity in African American women. Writing Assignment #2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography Summary of assignment Task: The response essay asks you to complete the following: Locate five articles on a topic of your choice through UMGCs OneSearch. List each article in alphabetical order in APA format. In other words, you will list each … Read more

Children’s literacy

  This week’s focus is on foundations in children’s literature. Alphabets, chapbooks, and picture books are staples of children’s literature. This week you will identify key attributes of these different genres and explore their significance to the study of children’s literature. Explain the importance of illustration in these books, which is a key to these … Read more

Discussion/ 150 words (max)

 Discuss your understanding of the similarities and the differences of the three Theatrical traditions represented. Make note of the training and behavior of actors, the types of stories enacted, the productions values, the cultural values, the symbology and the effects the productions have on audiences. Back up your opinions and observations with examples from the … Read more

ethics and litreture

There are total 2 assignments that need 750 words each DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES OR ANY OTHER WEBSITES books pages are included you just have to read and answers the questions try to go deep as much you can. please see read the requirements in the assignment sheet that is provided.

critical review essay

  I need the critical review done by Saturday (April 4). I will upload an example of how it should be done and the instruction(rubric). the critical review is on chapter seven(7) of the pdf book I also uploaded. you will use the book and an outside source as a reference for the critical review. … Read more

1500 reaction paper

The live play starts @ 2 p.m. eastern time on Sunday 04/04/21 and cannot be paused as it is a live stream. I will give the access code once the assignment is accepted. The actual paper is due on April 12,2021 but the live play has to be watched on 04/04/21 @ 2 p.m. No … Read more


 Using your personal experience and what the experts in the videos say, make a case for which design element makes the most significant contribution to the creation of the “world” of the play. Back up your opinions and observations by including the names of the designers and some of their most meaningful  quotes from the … Read more