Personal Quality Improvement Project: Topic: Improving time management Requirements for Final Personal CQI Project due Week 11: Minimum of a 7 page written account of your progress over a minimum of four weeks. You must include your baseline and four weeks worth of data. Your paper should be APA format and font options include Calibri … Read more

Identifying Thesis Arguments in Literary Criticism

1.) Read this psychoanalytic analysis of Nathaniel Hawthornes short story Young Goodman Brown: The Exploration of Faith and Evil in Dreams: Romance and Psychoanalysis in Young Goodman Brown by Jeff Derrickson. 2.) Identify and summarize Derrickson’s thesis statement with some of his evidence in 500 words and post it.

Short Story Sharing!

Choose one short story from Module 5 that we have not read, or select a film or series in the horror genre.  Read or view your selection and then respond to this discussion by addressing the following: 1. Briefly summarize the story you selected. 2. Then, briefly review the story. Watch the following video to … Read more

Find 3 articles about child neglect

Hi! Here is the assignment below: I am writing a persuasive paper. I need help finding 3 SCHOLARLY ARTICLES to use. Not too long please. Preferably someone with access to multiple educational databases.  ***TOPIC: WILL TELL YOU TOPIC AFTER BID***  Format of paper below – super simple. Article in APA format: Summary: How this article … Read more

Who can do this!!!?

Option A Identify any historical purpose(s) behind the writing of Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels. Include a reference to any historical factor mentioned in the recommended sources that may have triggered the writing of both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels as well as references to statements within both of the Gospels themselves. Class lesson material can be … Read more

PR Shaping the News

 For the second part of this assignment, you must watch or read any three of the following. All your sources for this assignment must be current (within the past week or current month for magazines).  A morning network news show (like the Today Show) A local news show A national news show A daytime/late night … Read more

Need help with essay assignment

  Directions: Write a 3-4pg. essay on the following topic. Be persuasive in outlining your criticism/interpretation. One must incorporate 1-2 sources from scholarly journals. Must adhere to MLA guidelines.  Write an essay on Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. Is Oedipus to blame? Using events from the play what can we say about free-will and responsibility? Lastly, how … Read more

Public Health- Public Health Situation Analysis

The Public Health Situation Analysis (PHSA) is a WHO Health Cluster product that the Health Cluster produces during a humanitarian emergency.  The PHSA can be an initial analysis at the onset of an emergency or an update during an emergency.  The PHSA is applied to natural disasters and/or complex emergencies. WHO publishes a template for … Read more

5 Paragraph Response Essay

Please write a 5+ paragraph response to one of the following prompts. Be sure to organize your essay clearly (including an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion) and use multiple specific details (including quotations) from the text in order to support your argument. A high quality response will have a clear and arguable thesis, use … Read more

Discussion Question

Choose a poem from this weeks readings and explain how it shows its female character(s) being empowered (or not). Identify and analyze one crucial poetic device (distinctive diction, imagery, metaphor, allusion, etc.) that the poet uses to convey her message. Remember, as always, to include brief quotes to support your claims. Please respond in MLA … Read more