Comparison/Contrast Project

   The purpose of this assignment is to better understand the challenges faced by four women authors by comparing and contrasting their writing.   For this project,  by responding as specifically as you can to the given questions about each text. Use complete sentences, but be concise. Provide brief supporting quotes, including parenthetical citations of … Read more

Causal Argument

Look at a problem or issue in culture, politics, art, science, etc., and research that topic to find out what the primary cause or causes of the issue are. It has to be something for which there is no clear, objective explanation. You will have to use at least 5 credible sources, and it has … Read more

Compare/Contrast Essay

You will be writing an essay comparing and contrasting elements from any two of the following stories:   “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,”  by Ambrose Bierce “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’brien “A Rose For Emily,” by William Faulkner “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner “The Tell-Tale Heart,” by … Read more

Literature and Writing for Professionals Discussion 5

“A Rose For Emily,” by William Faulkner “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner “The Tell-Tale Heart,” by Edgar Allen Poe “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe After completing the readings, answer the following questions in one well-organized paragraph for each. Use specific evidence in the form of direct quotes or examples from each story … Read more

American Literature–The Raven

For this assignment, you will first pick 5 poetic devices and find examples of these devices in “The Raven.” Then, using power point, a word document with pictures/images, pictures and text of your own, or another format of your choosing that includes text and visual images, you will create a presentation that explains what these … Read more

American literature

  Write at least 2 paragraphs (minimum of 5 sentences each) comparing and contrasting Chopin’s The Awakening and her short story A Pair of Silk Stockings,” through one only of the following: Ednas and one other characters attitudes toward her husband Ednas and one other characters attitudes toward her children Ednas and one other characters desires and … Read more


  Turnitin Assignment Content EthicsPHI 1600First Written Assignment.Read Chapter 2 and watch Week 3 Lectures. Choose a contemporary moral issue in our society (course materials) and apply the ethical principle of Utilitarianism to approve this moral issue. You must pick a moral issue that you strongly support and apply the utilitarian claims (course materials) to … Read more

Chinese cinema Paper

 Chinese Socialism Past and Present Chinese Culture Traditional and Modern The paper should be at least 6-7 pages in length, double-spaced, coherently written, with 1-inch margins on all sides. The preferred font is Times New Roman 12.   Discuss and compare the major themes, prominent subject matter, and distinctive styles of the films of these directors. … Read more

Born a Crime Quiz 2:

In the beginning of Part III, Trevor Noah discusses how children in Germany and Great Britain are taught about the gravity of their countries’ histories. He says this doesn’t happen in South Africa. Discuss one way this lack of historical knowledge plays a role in Part III. Be sure to both summarize what happens and … Read more


  For this project assignment, you will submit your Literary Analysis paper on the assigned novel selected for the course, which should focus on three or more elements of fiction to show how this novel is an example of modern literature in both theme and style. Please review the literary terms explored in this course. … Read more