American literature 1865-present

After reading the poems by Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, write at least 2 good paragraphs (minimum of 5 sentences each) on the style, theme, and content of one poem by each author. You can mention, for instance, a poems content, setting, images, or descriptions, capitalization and punctuation, a combination of these, and/or any other … Read more

English fairytale fiction story

Write a short fictional story utilizing the Fairytale genre. To name a few possibilities, you could come up with your own origin/creation story, myth, proverb, or horrific fairytale. You must include a 300-word introduction explaining the genre. You need to write what conventions of the genre you are pulling from and using. In doing this, … Read more

Alphabet Book POWER POINT

Creating an Alphabet Book  RATIONALE: Alphabet Books represent an interesting blend of educational content and often elaborate illustration, typical of picture books. However, each often has at least two underlying goals:  to educate and  to entertain children (young and old)  But, how do authors do that? What makes a great Alphabet Book? That’s what you … Read more

Part 2: Critical Analysis Essay

In this essay, you will write a critical analysis of a novel, novella, or long short story that you have read for class.  This analysis must apply a critical approach and make use of at least three to five scholarly articles, selected from your annotated bibliography.  For this assignment, you will write a critical analysis … Read more

Part 1: Thesis and Annotated Bibliography

Then, read the prompt for your final analysis essay   Once you have done that, begin to research your topic, and compose an annotated bibliography of 7 sources in MLA format.  Each annotation should be 5-7 sentences in length. Once you have completed the annotated bibliography, draft a thesis statement. Include it at the end … Read more

Essay Guru

This Reading Response Journal is based on your readings fromSection II: THE HUMAN BEING AND THE LIFE CYCLEChapter 7: Why Not Immortality?e.e. cummings: Two PoemsMurasaki Shikibu, Sku, and Dogen, Three Japanese Poems Cherry Tree in Morning Sun by Hashimoto Meiji (Color on paper, 1970) The eastern passageway leading to the Imperial Palaces seiden (state hall) has cedar sliding … Read more

Creative Character Perspectives Assignment

The Assignment For this assignment, you will write a creative piece which takes the perspective of a character or persona other than the main character or persona of a text, taking Wide Sargasso Seas revision of Jane Eyre as an extended example. You may also choose to narrate a portion of a text that is … Read more

critical review essay

  I need the critical review done by Friday(March 12). I will upload an example of how it should be done and the instruction(rubric). the critical review is on chapter five(5) of the pdf book I also uploaded. you will use the book and an outside source as a reference for the critical review. the … Read more


The country to research about is NEW ZEALAND. This academic report must have in text citations, minimum words of this report is 2000 and the maximum is 4000.   You should choose at least 8 of the following areas of Macroeconomics(in the attached file below) to incorporate in this report. PLEASE FIND BELOW IN THE … Read more

DUE MARCH 13,2021!

Everything needed will be included in the files attached. THEY ARE IN BOLD (do not have to read entire file) please look at the files in the order they are attached. writing assignment of 5-6 paragraphs. I included my answers to discussion question asked about the articles.(do not include answers,only use to know whats the … Read more