Discussion Question

   Respond in 250 words MLA format; After reading the resources for the week, consider the parallels you see between the concerns about women’s roles expressed by Wollstonecraft and/or Woolf (in  A Vindication of the Rights of Woman )by Mary Wollstonecraft and Shabana Basij-rasikh (in the Dare to Educate Afghan Girls TED Talk from this … Read more

BPCC- Visual Art Tia

  Discuss:  For your first post, read the short article and discuss what you learned.  Who is impacted by the article?  What is the argument or message of the article? How is it supported?  With what evidence?  Where did it appear and when?  Who is the author?  How does it relate to you, as a … Read more

Shakespeare Argument

Prompt 1Shakespeare Essay Argumentative Essay Essay Checklist: 1. Did I write an introduction with a hook, a claim, and three reasons? 2. Do I have 2-3 body paragraphs explaining each reason for my claim? 3. Do I have a conclusion that summarizes my main points and emphasizes my main lesson? 4. Does each paragraph have … Read more

literature assignments

 After reviewing the document “Some ways to analyze a character” and reading the two short stories, do an in-depth character analysis of one of the characters from either story or compare/contrast characters from both stories. Remember, this should be 2-3 pages and follow the standard structure for an essay. Also, you should be using MLA … Read more

literature assignments

 Assignment 1 Brooks Poem Analysis Journal Choose ONE of the poems by Brooks and do an in-depth analysis on ONE aspect of the poem (i.e. theme, symbol, metaphor, etc).  250 word minimum, include word count.  Assignment 2 Integrating Quotes Activity Review the following documents: Integrating and Citing Quotes PowerPoint Rules and Tips-Integrating Sources Document After … Read more

children literature

  Below you will find links for two more stories by the Grimm Brothers: The Fisherman and His Wife and Rapunzel  Once you have read both stories, please send me ONLY the answers to the questions that relate to both stories. 

Children’s Literature Alphabet (Counting) Book

  Attached you will find the necessary information to complete your Alphabet Book. As for the actual delivery of the Alphabet Book, you have two options. You may create a Power Point presentation, or you may create a regular Word document with the information on it. Either of the options is acceptable.

literature assignments

 Assignment 1 First, consult all documents under MLA document folder. 2. Then, open the MLA Activity document attached here. Follow the directions within the document.  Please consult the MLA Guide on The Owl at Purdue () to find the answers. Do not guess. This will be graded for accuracy.  When you have finished the activity, please … Read more

literature assignments

Assignment 1   Both Hurston and Faulkner are Southern writers who use the local vernacular throughout their stories. Compare and contrast what you noticed about the language used in the stories. What affect did this have? Please point to specific examples from both stories and analyze.  250 word minimum, include the word count.  Assignment 2 … Read more

literature assignments

  For this response essay, we are going to get a little more creative with things. Choose from one of the prompts below: 1. In “Hills Like White Elephants,” we have a conversation between two characters that is very vague, but reveals a lot about the characters and what is going on in their lives … Read more