Explain how Nation, State, Political Community is demonstrated in Octavia Butler’s parable of the sower Remember to make your essay as specific as possible (that is, as specific as necessary to make

Explain how Nation, State, Political Community is demonstrated in Octavia Butler’s  parable of the sower  Remember tomake your essay as specific as possible (that is, as specific as necessary to make yourpoint). Make them direct enough to demonstrate a thoughtful, working engagement withthe material but DO NOT give a mere topical summary of any of … Read more

Describe experiences (such as work, volunteer, church, social, academic) you have had that resulted in learning. Be as specific as possible with your examples.Discuss the reflective concept in the cou

Describe experiences (such as work, volunteer, church, social, academic) you have had that resulted in learning. Be as specific as possible with your examples. Discuss the reflective concept in the course which best describes your learning up to this point. How might you document the learning you achieved in that context? Possible sources of evidence … Read more

Nathaniel Hawthorne: “The Birth-Mark” Address the following in a written essay: Aylmer becomes obsessed and disgusted with his wife’s birthmark, not so much because it is a physical abnormality on he

Nathaniel Hawthorne: “The Birth-Mark”  Address the following in a written essay: Aylmer becomes obsessed and disgusted with his wife’s birthmark, not so much because it is a physical abnormality on her face but more because he is convinced that its shape and color symbolizes her tendency towards sin. Discuss the relationship between physical features and … Read more

Writing Response Answer each of the following in 100 words. Consider the role religion, specifically Catholicism, plays in “The Plague of Doves.” For instance, references are made to the season of L

Writing Response Answer each of the following in 100 words.   Consider the role religion, specifically Catholicism, plays in “The Plague of Doves.” For instance, references are made to the season of Lent leading up to Easter and to Mooshum’s brother being a priest. Does this religious backdrop directly impact what the narrator tells us … Read more

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez: “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” -A. S. BYATT “The Thing in the Forest” -Louise Erdrich “Love medicine” Compare the use of fairy tale in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wi

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez: “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” -A. S. BYATT “The Thing in the Forest” -Louise Erdrich “Love medicine” Compare the use of fairy tale in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” to that of “The Thing in the Forest” or “Love Medicine.” You may look at the narrator, intended (or … Read more

After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respond to 3-4 of the main ideas from

After reading the designated chapters from the course textbook, Hollywood Heroes:How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (Turek & Turek, 2022), you will write to respondto 3-4 of the main ideas from the chapters. Each chapter should be addressed inthe paper, though you may choose to lean more heavily on one chapter rather thanthe other. Papers should be written … Read more

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis of three literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as they relate to an overarching theme

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis ofthree literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as theyrelate to an overarching theme of the film. Papers should be written in third personpoint of view, following MLA formatting guidelines. Aside from the chosen film andthe course textbook, no additional … Read more

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis of three literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as they relate to an overarching theme

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis ofthree literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as theyrelate to an overarching theme of the film. Papers should be written in third personpoint of view, following MLA formatting guidelines. Aside from the chosen film andthe course textbook, no additional … Read more

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis of three literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as they relate to an overarching theme

Select one film from the course list and write 750-1,000 words as an analysis ofthree literary elements (plot, characterization, dialogue, setting, irony, etc.) as theyrelate to an overarching theme of the film. Papers should be written in third personpoint of view, following MLA formatting guidelines. Aside from the chosen film andthe course textbook, no additional … Read more