I am looking forward to a Digital Marketing Graphic assignment on any one of the following topics 1) Arts and Recreation 2) Renewable Energy 3)Beverage DIGITAL MARKETING GRAPHIC/ADVERTISEMENT. PLEA

I am looking forward to a  Digital Marketing Graphic assignment on any one of the following topics   1) Arts and Recreation 2) Renewable Energy 3)Beverage DIGITAL MARKETING GRAPHIC/ADVERTISEMENT. PLEASE NOTE ITS ONLY ONE PAGE PPT SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISEMENT. Part A: Digital Marketing Advertisement/Graphic  Part A: Each student will have the option to create a Digital Marketing … Read more

I am looking forward to a Digital Marketing Graphic assignment on any one of the following topics 1) Arts and Recreation 2) Renewable Energy 3)Beverage DIGITAL MARKETING GRAPHIC/ADVERTISEMENT. Part

I am looking forward to a  Digital Marketing Graphic assignment on any one of the following topics1) Arts and Recreation 2) Renewable Energy 3)BeverageDIGITAL MARKETING GRAPHIC/ADVERTISEMENT. Part A: Digital Marketing Advertisement/Graphic (25%) Part A: Each student will have the option to create a Digital Marketing Advertisement/Graphic for one of three product/service options. Options will be distributed … Read more

RHP Super precision Bearings has two major operations – machine shop (700 workers) and assembly (300) Pricing is determined separately by sales and marketing department Quality of bearings of extreme

RHP Super precision Bearings has two major operations – machine shop (700 workers) and assembly (300) Pricing is determined separately by sales and marketing department Quality of bearings of extreme importance as these are super precision bearings i.e.  used in capital equipment

MKT 3301-20.01.01-3A25-S1, Principles of Marketing Unit III Assignment Marketing Plan: Part I In the next several units, you will be creating a marketing plan for a company. Submit a draft of your

MKT 3301-20.01.01-3A25-S1, Principles of Marketing Unit III Assignment  Marketing Plan: Part I In the next several units, you will be creating a marketing plan for a company. Submit a draft of your marketing plan to your instructor for review and feedback. This draft only needs to include a discussion of the product or service that … Read more

i have attached a file i want you to make a powerpoint on this document of less than 15 minutes i have attached the grading rubric it should include it should have like a current overview, highlight p

i have attached a file i want you to make a powerpoint on this document of less than 15 minutes i have attached the grading rubric it should include it should have like a current overview, highlight problems of the organization, any like SWOT insights you considered…the marketing strategy you suggest, why you suggested that…and … Read more

Follow this link to complete this week’s discussion: https://www.weforum.org/stories/2020/06/coronavirus-advertising-marketing-covid19-pandemic-business/ What did you learn about marketing from this

Follow this link to complete this week’s discussion:  https://www.weforum.org/stories/2020/06/coronavirus-advertising-marketing-covid19-pandemic-business/ What did you learn about marketing from this article? On which element of the promotional mix does this article focus (i.e., advertising, direct marketing, Internet marketing, personal selling, public relations, or sales promotion)? How are organizations adapting their promotion strategies in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic? In your opinion, what communication goal is emphasized in the examples … Read more

After reading the case, Fast Fashion Industry Global Sales Challenges https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccasuhrawardi/2019/01/16/the-big-issues-facing-fashion-in-2019/?sh=1c325a5c23a9Links to an exter

After reading the case, Fast Fashion Industry Global Sales Challenges  https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccasuhrawardi/2019/01/16/the-big-issues-facing-fashion-in-2019/?sh=1c325a5c23a9Links to an external site.  Write a case analysis in APA style (800) words using the attached template below, with at least 1 reference CASE ANALYSIS OUTLINE (800 words): Overview of major issues: describe the challenges/problems/issues outlined in thecase. This section should be clear and succinct. You can … Read more

Question 1: Follow this link to complete this week’s discussion: https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-is-the-airline-industry-adapting-to-covid What did you learn about marketing from this arti

Question 1: Follow this link to complete this week’s discussion:  https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-is-the-airline-industry-adapting-to-covid What did you learn about marketing from this article? Specifically, what pricing strategy(s) were discussed? Which internal and external factors are affecting the pricing decisions of airlines in the midst of a pandemic?  Question 2: #1:  Look at the following products and services Identify if the product or … Read more

Follow this link to complete this week’s discussion: https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-is-the-airline-industry-adapting-to-covid What did you learn about marketing from this article? Specifi

Follow this link to complete this week’s discussion:  https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-is-the-airline-industry-adapting-to-covid What did you learn about marketing from this article? Specifically, what pricing strategy(s) were discussed? Which internal and external factors are affecting the pricing decisions of airlines in the midst of a pandemic?