AI in Marketing (Deep Learning) watch videos above and answer:What did you find most interesting from this talks on deep learning? Please write one paragraph per each video.

understanding the customers

Assignment description: Individually you are required to write an essay about: –    In your words, what are Personas, and why are they important when conducting market research. –    Create 3 Different personas and explain them in details and how you created them.


Need the work in one hour, EXACTLY 60 MINUTES FROM NOW, ready for extra tip for quickest work. Watch Answer the following questions: Provide a very brief (no more than one paragraph) review of the Steve Jobs video.What role did Steve Jobs’ marketing skills play in his success? Did he plan to create disruptive … Read more

Search Engines Optimization (SEO) Understanding SEO industry

For Chapters 12 and 13 (book atached) and list the SEO tools with links(important) Put some of those 550 words on PowerPoint slides and the rest under the slidesPick good looking template Include what is the most important and illustrations Use bullet points   Provide references and illustrations (like screenshots and images) as neededWrite words, … Read more

Tools for Search Engines Optimization (SEO)

Brief write of SEO importance (half page)    Then list the Names of the tools identified in the book and how-to use them and where they are on the internet (links)    Names of the tools identified in other references and sources    and how-to use them and where they are on the internet (links): A Brief Description.StructureThe … Read more

Principles of Marketing

attached below instructions sheet and powerpoint for guidance of what we took in class and just an sample example of how the format should be sheet (sample sheet should not be used its just to show you the format, the content in it is irrelevant).

For Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product.

For Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product. 1) Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. The strategic planning processS.W.O.TMarket SegmentingTarget MarketingProduct PositioningOfferings: product, price, and service.2) Use … Read more

Ads with 5 different advertising philosophy

PAPER/PRESENTATION One of the main goals of this class is to train you in the critical evaluation of advertising campaigns. You must, therefore, prepare a paper (and accompanying short presentation) focusing on five different ads. Each of your chosen ads should represent a different advertising philosophy. Since these are not mutually exclusive, each ad may … Read more

Group Assignment Domino

Please see attached document with professors comments, and based on that answer following: How will you position your brand against the competition?Discuss who your primary competitors are and what you might offer that they cantExpress your brands positioning in the following way:(Brand) is the (category or type of product) for (people in the target audience) … Read more