
For as much positive change as social media has created, it has arguably been a negative disrupter in society. One of the solutions that is discussed is the idea of breaking up the dominance of players like Facebook. tell us your point of view. Read Kara Swisher’s viewpoint and listen to Prof Galloway’s podcast in … Read more

Marketing Plan Deliverable 2 of 3

In this deliverable, your team will provide STPD analysis for your class project company.Design the components listed below for your marketing plan.1. Design the Target MarketDesign a one page description of the target customers you want bring in to your business. Explain different charateristics of these customers and describe why these customers will fullfil the … Read more

marketing video

Some things to mention/discuss for the video can be what you learned, whether you think its a good/bad idea/strategy, things that may have surprised you.  Write your own thoughts/opinions.  Not a word for word description of what was discussed in the video. Video link:–AuxdQUdlo&list=PLDt0J62yU45sN1rBmNiSRr12acZBnPAZy&index=24

Mayo Clinic: Branding Excellence in Healthcare

As we noted in class, services are different from products. Service are performed, products are things. The creation of value through a service is therefore very different from that with a product. And services constitute well more than half the value in the GDP of a developed country. Finally, service businesses (JPM, Citi, Deloitte, PWC, … Read more

Individual Report (Sustainability)

Hello friend, All the assessment is well explained in the file uploaded. (PDF)The structure to use is also written down in the PDF document. The analysis should not exceed 2500 words. You will also find the following uploads on Materiality Matrix, Management and Sustainability Tools (PPT) useful in completing the assessment. We can then discuss … Read more

marketing communication

Think of a marketing communication (ad, letter, email, billboard, display, etc.) that ultimately led to a change in your attitude toward a product, service, or experience. -Describe the product, experience, or service-Describe the marketing communication-Analyze which attitude molding route the marketing communication used:-Conative route: It changed your actions somehow (sample product, free trial, etc.) and … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please respond in complete sentences for each question Topic 1: Data VisualizationThis week you watched  Big Data Visualization (YouTube Video) and  Information is Beautiful where you learned about how good designs are the best way to navigate information overabundance. Discussion:David McCandless turns complex data sets (like worldwide military spending, media buzz, Facebook status updates) into … Read more

understanding the customers

In a group of two you are a Marketing research and consultancy agent. A local company has approached you and asked you improve its brand image. Thus, for your midterm you will present proposal for the brand improvement based on consumer behaviour and market analysis. The brand that I choose is ( ) Choose … Read more

Pricing Strategies and Decisions

Develop a report about your client for your boss that includes the following components: Pricing Strategy ManagementEvaluate the pricing policies, processes, and methods your client uses to manage its pricing strategies.Identify the policies used to manage the pricing strategy of the company.Describe the price-setting process the company uses and determine if prices are sustainable and … Read more

Marketing Plan

Font: Times New Roman ONLY. The font is set to be 12 points. Page Margins: Left: 1 Right: 1 Top: 1 Bottom: 1 Indentation: One (1) inch to the left for the beginning of each paragraph. Page Number: NO page number for the cover page; Begin with Page 1 in the body ofthe paper. Cover … Read more