The Derivative Function

  In this chapter, you were required to use many skills from algebra.   Discuss one topic from algebra you used in completing exercises from this section. (  The Derivative Function) Give an example of a business calculus exercise that required the algebra topic from (1).

college algebra discussion

  Imagine you are writing exam questions for an algebra course. You want to write questions that include finding the zeros of polynomials. To balance the difficulty level of the tests questions, you decide to include two different types of questions, as described here: Question #1: A polynomial of degree at least 3 where all … Read more

algebra project

  Math 1314 Core Assignment Quantitative Literacy Description: You will be creating a technical document.  It should illustrate your use of math, technology, graphs and communication skills. Your document will contain two scenarios, both utilizing exponential functions and their graphs: Part I Exponential Growth and Part II Exponential Decay In each scenario, you will create … Read more

MAT 543 Forecasting

   Week 5 Assignment Forecasting Overview  Using the Northern College Health Services visit volume in Appendix 6-1 on page 113 of the textbook, for this assignment, you will be providing a forecast of the number of clinic visits for November 2008 using the average change, confidence interval, average percent change, moving averages, and exponential smoothing … Read more

Qurstion help

Please bid if you understand and can finish in 2 hours How does the idea of a differential equation tie into finding integrals from Calculus II? 2. Please give an example of a differential equation to solve. 3. Give a totally unrelated example of an integral to solve. 4. Solve each of the problems that … Read more


Utilize simple hypothesis testing procedures and standard statistical diagnostic tests to evaluate the appropriateness of linear regression models specification, goodness of fit, and to test for significances of estimated coefficients of the models For the applied assignment, please submit a 5-6 slide PPT (NOT including title page and references page) that includes the following parts:  PART 1: Create a context: Introduce a … Read more

who can compete this in a timely manner?

 Suppose one of your friends is struggling with the process used to factor a trinomial. You show your friend this formula for a trinomial: ax2 + bc + c   where  a0a0  and a1a1 Next, you give your friend this equation as an example: 2×2 + 11x + 12. Imagine that you go on to instruct your … Read more

Math PPT 2

  Objective:  Apply elementary descriptive statistics, probability theories and quantitative methods in business in business decision making under risk and uncertainty. For the applied assignment,  please submit a  5 – 6  slide PPT  (NOT including title page and references page)  that includes the following parts:   PART 1: Create a context: Introduce a real-world business situation or … Read more

college algebra discussion

 One of your friends is struggling with the concept of slope. To help your friend with this concept, you decide to ask her to draw several lines with different slopes. So that your friend will not be confused, you will need to give her instructions for drawing each of the examples listed below without using … Read more

Problem Set 1

1. A store has a sale with 12 % off every item. When you enter the store, you receive a coupon that states you receive an additional 8 % off the sale price. If you purchase an item that sells for $350, what will your total discount be (a) in dollar amount and (b) in … Read more