math homework weekly

math homework is due weekly and I will let you know which ones are due and give you my log in for connect math so you can complete it. I have some due today 3/12 but I’m not sure if its possible to complete

matrix operations

 1. Let A be an m d matrix, and let X = AAT . Assume that X has d distinct, non-zero eigenvalues. Assume that m d. In order to find the eigendecomposition of X, we will need to find the eigendecomposition of an m m matrix. Since m is much larger than d, this is … Read more


 1. $1000 is invested in account which offers 1.25%, compounded continuously. Determine how much is in the account after a) 5 years, b) 10 years, c) 30 years, and d) 35 years. Round to the nearest cent. 2. Solve the equation: ????????????5 (18 ???? 2 ) = ????????????5 (6 ????). 3. For ????(????) = 4 … Read more


Students are taking advantage of online degree programs in record numbers. In 2017, six million students enrolled in at least one online course to help advance their careers, change jobs, or fulfill personal goals. It should come as no surprise that enrollment numbers are growing, as online degree programs offer many unique benefits to learners, including a high … Read more

Linear Project

  Instructions Instructions are found in the Linear Project module. You may submit all of your project in one document or a combination of documents, which may consist of word processing documents or spreadsheets or scanned handwritten work, provided it is clearly labeled where each task can be found. Be sure to include your name. … Read more

Linear Project

  Instructions Instructions are found in the Linear Project module. You may submit all of your project in one document or a combination of documents, which may consist of word processing documents or spreadsheets or scanned handwritten work, provided it is clearly labeled where each task can be found. Be sure to include your name. … Read more

Linear Model Project Discussion

  Feel free to discuss the Linear Model Project. (Instructions are found in the Linear Project module.) It is highly recommended that you post your Linear Model Topic and your Data, by the end of Week 4.  Give your posting a descriptive title so that we immediately know a bit about your topic. It is … Read more


MAC1105 PROJECT 1:  Plotting the evolution of Covid19 in one state of the United States  Using the data points for the number of cases due to Covid-19 from the John Hopkins University online data base tracker ( ) select a state according to your last two digits of  ID number (43), and correlate to the … Read more

Algebra Week 1

 (1) Solve this system using the elimination method: y = x + 3; y x = 7  (2) Solve this application problem using a system of equations: The cost of six scented candles and twelve packs of matches is $73.26; and the cost of thirteen packs of matches and scented candles is $143. What is … Read more