Statistics for Decision Making

Please attach your final report in PDF format only.  Font size of 11 pt or higher.  For each of the topics listed below, that were introduced in this class, please report the following: 1) Business application (in 6 words or less) 2) hyperlink to the web page 3) Brief summary of the application (3 –  … Read more

Complete a 68 page research report in which you form a hypothesis and then conduct a statistical analysis on the data in order to determine whether the hypothesis is accurate or not

Must have the program SPSS This course exercises many skills related to understanding statistical procedures and analysis. For this assessment, you have the opportunity to incorporate many of the skills discussed in this course into a research report. You will use the GSS Explorer website, form a hypothesis, and then conduct a statistical analysis on … Read more

Exploring Number Theory

1) choose a math book written for a general audience which appeals to you from the library 2) read a chapter ora section, (note something that strikes you on the first read) 3) re-read it carefully, (note something else that strikes you on the second read) 4) write a page summary and reaction; follow the … Read more

Read Instructions

From the projects, I expect: Creativity (were trying to move away from book-like pictures).  Think of something a kid would enjoy looking at or enjoy creating. Your project should bring meaning and life to the detailed vocabulary.  You, I and your classmates should find your approach interesting and engaging. Your work should have a consistency … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer these questions about the movie Fermat’s Last Theorem – The Theorem and Its Proof: An Exploration of Issues and Ideas [1993] Who is its main character? You may feel that the man is the main character, or you may feel the equation is its main character. Be sure to mention both. Why have I … Read more

Compare python’s data analysis and extraction capabilities with the tools you use daily such as Excel, R, Matlab, SAS etc. Specifically, provide 3 points of comparison where Python differs from other analytics tools you are familiar with–such as R, SAS

Compare python’s data analysis and extraction capabilities with the tools you use daily such as  Excel, R, Matlab, SAS etc. Specifically, provide 3 points of comparison where Python differs from other analytics tools you are familiar with–such as R, SAS, Matlab, Excel, Tableu, etc.

Cancer-Immune Interactions

I would like a mathematical summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions” using the attached research papers. With the “Cancer therapeutic potential” being the main source. I would like the first page to be a summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions”, and the rest of the two pages to answer each of the following questions. How … Read more

Cancer-Immune Interactions

I would like a mathematical summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions” using the attached research papers. With the “Cancer therapeutic potential” being the main source. I would like the first two pages to be a summary of the topic “Cancer-Immune Interactions”, and the rest of the three pages to answer each of the following questions. … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sample design is very important, as we saw in the U.S. 2000 presidential election, where Florida was initially declared for the Democratic candidate based on a sample that did not truly reflect the entire state. Careful consideration must be paid to ensure a representative sample if we are inferring those results on a population.Have you … Read more

Random Number Generators

This module focuses on sampling techniques. However, there may be times when you need to use a number generator to simulate a simple random sample. Random number generators could be used to avoid bias in the sample selection process. In this assignment, you will explore the circumstances under which a random number generator is used … Read more