Lottery probabilities

Google your state’s Powerball or megamillions and calculate the probability of winning the jackpot. Most sites report odds instead of probability, so you’ll need to do a simple conversion. Share a link that takes us to the odds information on your state’s Powerball or megamillions.In your original post, answer the following: Create a probability table … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Key Information Sources Paper on “Tesla Inc.” This assignment involves developing a list of possible research sources for your paper.  These sources could be trade or academic journals, government, industry or company websites, or other sources of information.  Research could involve the company, industry, problem, statistical methods, etc.  Please do the following: Write a minimum … Read more

Math problem

Provide an example with its solution in the area of your interest that illustrates goodness -of -fit test – 10 points use both -level of significance and p-value  – 5 points provide reference or statement that you created the example  – 5 points

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss the process for hypothesis testing.Discuss the 8 steps of hypothesis testing?When performing the 8 steps for hypothesis testing, which method do you prefer; P-Value method or Critical Value method? Why?Perform the hypothesis test.If you selected Option 1:Original Claim: The average salary for all jobs in Minnesota is less than $65,000.Test the claim using = … Read more

MAT 1100 Week 12 Project

MAT 1100 Week 12 ProjectSpring 2021Gribben Project Objectives. Recognize and use appropriate graphs and numerical summaries to de-scribe the distribution of categorical and numerical data. Understand that responses to statistical questions should take variabil- ity into account. Understand distributions for quantitative data are compared with re- spect to similarities and differences in center, variability (spread), … Read more

Week 4 Assignment – Reading Response

The purpose of the following response questions is to support you as you make sense of the assigned readings and synthesize key ideas across them specifically, the connections between multiple representations and conceptual understanding, as well as the role of play and attention to equity in K-12 math classrooms (CLOs 1 & 3). They also … Read more

Quantitative Methods for Policy Research and Evaluation

Quantitative Methods for Policy Research and Evaluation The purpose of this course is to help student gain a deeper understanding and appreciationof quantitative methods, expand their knowledge of quantitative analysis, apply knowledgeto policy-relevant questions, and critically evaluate the claims of those who use quantitativeresearch to promote specific policies.Through handling empirical problems when working with real-world … Read more

MAT 1100 Week 12 Project

MAT 1100 Week 12 ProjectSpring 2021Gribben Project Objectives. Recognize and use appropriate graphs and numerical summaries to de-scribe the distribution of categorical and numerical data. Understand that responses to statistical questions should take variabil- ity into account. Understand distributions for quantitative data are compared with re- spect to similarities and differences in center, variability (spread), … Read more

Project 2 InstructionsAs an Ivy Tech student, you are making an investment in your education. This project will look at how that investment will pay off if you graduate and get a job in your desired field. You will be comparing your future finances with s

Project 2 InstructionsAs an Ivy Tech student, you are making an investment in your education. This project will look at how that investment will pay off if you graduate and get a job in your desired field. You will be comparing your future finances with someone who is not a college graduate. Assume that the … Read more

Final Project

Prepare for the Presentation:Find an article or book about a topic that you are interested in, perhaps even passionate about, that includes a mathematical model.   Read the piece and consider how the model is used and how well, or poorly, it is used. This model may be in any of the three representations we have … Read more