Unit 8: X or (X, Y) Marks the Spot! Unit Test

  This unit shows students how to solve equations algebraically and graphically. Algebra: A graph is a line or curve drawn on a number line or coordinate plane by joining the points represented by certain ordered pairsMore About Graph: It’s a pictorial representation of the data The graph is the best tool to understand the … Read more

How to calculate this scenario?

If I have two Products (Product A and Product B) and I want to ship these products to customers as follows:  Product A (# of units: 4000) Product B (# of units: 4000)  The products must be shipped through using Pallets.  Each Pallet can hold 1000 units of Products A or 2000 units of Product … Read more

Liberal Art Mathematics

  Is There a Point to This? Unit Test    This unit uses algebraic concepts along with the rules related to radical expressions to explore the coordinate plane. Use the zero product property of real numbers in a variety of contexts to identify solutions to equations. A complex number is a quantity of the form v … Read more


Respond to the questions and complete the problems. Questions In a Word document, respond to the following. Number your responses 13. Describe the rights and advantages belonging to shareholders Explain the differences between the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Which is a better measure of stock market performance? Why? … Read more

Finance 6

Respond to the questions and complete the problems. Questions In a Word document, respond to the following. Number your responses 14. Explain what a call provision enables bond issuers to do. Why would bond issuers exercise a call provision? Define a discount bond and a premium bond. Provide examples of each. Describe the relationship between … Read more