investigate the economic and social impact of meteorological, climatological, and geomorphological processes

Physical Geography Research Paper Topic OverviewOur textbook divides physical geography into four sections: Biosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere AtmosphereFurthermore, the textbook defines physical geography as the study of Earthssystems and how they [are] changed by human activity.You will create a research paper that explores this. Your research will investigate the economic and social impact of meteorological, climatological, … Read more

Bitter rivals : Saudi Arabia and Iran

1. Iranian Revolution. Why did the Iranian revolution occur? How did Iran change after the revolution? How does Saudi Arabia react? 2. Saudi Arabia. Who founded Saudi Arabia and what was their relation to Wahhabis? What are Wahhabis? When did Saudi Arabia become more sectarian? 3. Pakistan, Mujahedeen, and Bin Laden. How was Wahhabism promoted … Read more


1. When you think of South America, what immediately comes to mind? (There are no wrong answers here). Just be honest, when you think about this part of the world what do you think about? 2. Where did you acquire your knowledge/impression about the South America? (social media, school, news, movies, TV, friends, travel, books, … Read more


Write at least 3 paragraphs of at least 5 “thoughtful” sentences each. Find a “carbon footprint calculator” site on the Internet.  A suggestion is to use the EPA site for this.  Go through the questions and submit your answers.  When you are finished, you will have a result.  Write about that result.  What does “carbon … Read more

chem discussion

For this discussion you get to switch roles from student to teacher!  Suppose you needed to explain the concept of the mole to a junior high school student.  What would you tell them? Some background: There’s a great story about the the famous physicist Richard Feynman.  One of Feynman’s colleagues, David Goodstein, once asked him … Read more

Biological Anthropology / Archaeology

Choose any topic related to biological anthropology or archaeology that youd like to know more about. It can be a topic weve already covered in class, but you are also free to choose something weve covered little or not at all, or something were going to cover before the end of the semester but havent … Read more

Discussion 3

Please Describe the Geocentric theory of the universe in about 60 word. Then reply to this topic below, reply should be original and add new scientific research information to the discussion board. The article that I read was titled Insufficient Sun Exposure Has Become a Real Public Health Problem by Lars Alfredsson and many others. … Read more