Vaccine Safety

Initial Post: Vaccine safety (evaluation, hesitation, hypersensitivity, effectiveness, risks, etc).  For this discussion, find a reliable paper to consult (strongly suggest that you begin with PubMed (Links to an external site.)  and search for a peer reviewed, “review”-style paper that has been published within the last 10 years), review the resource, and then use the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please notes that actually total are 5 pages, but 4th pages should have pictures connect to the main body and 5th page is about ‘d) Reference List: 1 page should be devoted to the Bibliography.  There should be at least 2 Internet sources and 2 non-Internet sources.’, so you can put picture + Bibliography in … Read more

Water Quality Essay

Write a 750-1,000-word essay about water quality in your community that addresses the following points: *I live in San Diego, CA* 1. Obtain a water quality report from your local municipality within the last two years and discuss what you found in the report? 2. Identify a water quality issue happening in your community and … Read more


You have been given a bottle labeled hydrogen peroxide to perform a catalase test. Your positive control is Staphylococcus aureus. Before you test your patient samples, you use the Staph to run a positive control. When the hydrogen peroxide is added, there is no bubbling. Your task is to determine what could have went wrong. … Read more


I need someone with experience in different hybrid functionalists, they must know about TDDFT and also about transition energy. I have attached a file of what I have wrote I just need someone to expand more on the points as I will need a results discussion and conclusion


Respond to the following discussion questions. Use your text book or powerpoint notes as your main reference. When using other references, be sure to cite them. 1. Discuss the relationship between the energies and frequencies of electromagnetic radiations. 2. Some electromagnetic radiations are considered to be very dangerous to us with prolonged exposure: Which ones? … Read more

Yemen’s Environmental Crisis

How is Yemen going through an environmental crisis?Give summary on articles link below:

Sustainability Course

The Final Exam Instructions are attached. Follow those instructions. The course schedule is attached to help you see the topics discussed in the class to help with part 1 of the final exam. Attached all readings assigned to the class. If an article in the course schedule is not attached, it is linked.