
Exotoxins are critical to the signs and symptoms suffered in many diseases of both the digestive and nervous system.  You will compare and contrast the role of exotoxins (often termed neurotoxins) in at least one nervous system disease which is tetanus OR botulism and one digestive system disease (may not be either Clostridium botulinum nor … Read more


Chapter 17: Special Topic: COVID-19 as an Environmental Health Challenge 1. In mid-1800s London, what did a doctor named John Snow do that helped gain a new understanding of the cholera pandemic of the time? A. He carefully mapped the incidences of cholera in the city in an attempt to show citizens it was being … Read more


Review global news and find an article that discusses a relationship between a microorganism and the health of the environment where it is found ( this may include positive or negative impacts)Your final discussion post should be numbered or bulleted and include each of these sections in order:1. One sentence description of the relationship between … Read more

Writing Assignment – Tetanus 2021SP Home Chat Announcements Zoom NameCoach Discussions Modules McGraw-Hill Connect People Grades Syllabus Library The Learning Center Google Drive Collaborations Campus Resource Guide Online Tutoring Services for Students W

PLEASE ONLY START AT QUESTION 2 I will handle questions: 1 & 5 QUESTION 2 should consist of 1-5 paragraphsQUESTION 3 should consist of 1 paragraphQUESTION 4 should consist of 1 paragraphQUESTION 6 should consist of 1-2 paragraphsQUESTION 7 should consist only references used for questions 2,3,4, & 6


Find a geology or geology-related article. Sometimes articles from different sources have the same content and similar titles. The article should be very recent, at least the beginning of April. What is the title of your article? On what date (day/month/year) was it published online? What is the full URL of your web-based source? (copy … Read more

Relationship to the human landscape

Ideas to consider as you develop a topic: Relationship of the physical feature/concept/form to local, regional, global patterns/activity/circulation/flowsRelationship to the human landscapeControls, limits, and change…Resulting impacts of that change and what may be done to adapt to or modify living conditionsThe Critical Thinking Paper (100 Points)The Critical Thinking Paper is an argumentative essay using the … Read more

Food Microbiology

Requirements for the Research Paper: SummarySeven to nine pages, double spaced. Research topic in form of a question.AbstractMain body of your topic: To be divided into main heading and subheadingsVERY IMPORTANT: Do not directly quote any sources even if you give the authors name. Digest the information and provide it in your own words and … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There are 2 parts of this assigment: All the readings i will upload, all the videos I will post the link above https://youtu.be/Fh9Qma_V4h4 Part 1; With specific references to the material, ANSWER below questions. (1 page) With specific references to the video, how does the focus of this course differ from standard narratives of post-Mao … Read more