Field Trip Report to National Park

Field Trip Report to National Park 2-page double space, times new roman 12 point font size.  Write a report on your experience in a national park covering:1) What type of habitat/ecosystem did you visit?2) What plant and animal species inhabit the ecosystem?3) What type of interactions occur between those animal and plant species, as well … Read more

Geography and Culture

ESSAY:STEP 1: CHOOSING A RESEARCH TOPICThink about a research topic that interests you. Write down why this is an important issue (why is this research important to society at large, and to you personally). Then ask yourself what is the main research question that you want to investigate. Consider how your topic is geographical in … Read more

opportunities and challenges for assessing Washington State’s management on reducing construction and demolition waste

it should be a literature review on the topic i provided. The references must have at least ten print sources from books, journal articles, or government reports. Furthermore, at least seven of the entries must be from scholarly sources dissertations, articles from peer-reviewed journals, or scholarly monographs published by a university press.


The Rock Cycle explains the natural formation of minerals and rocks. From thehundreds of minerals and rocks found in nature, select and explain the creation of: 1) any one mineral; 2) any one sedimentary rock; 3) any one igneous rock; and 4) any one metamorphic rock. Be sure to include all four inyour answer


The interrelationship between the individual aspects of the earths environment(atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere) and the interrelationshipbetween people and earth environment is well documented. Select one fromthe following 3 choices and explain a situation during calendar year 2020where the actions of people over time contributed to the event.1. Discuss the relationship of climate change to … Read more

The effect of climate change on labor mobility

A powerpoint presentation of about 3 minutes about climate change on labor mobility. Has to include why it is important what are ways to better the issue and what is currently happening also other key points concerning the topic. The pictures included must be cited. A file with further instructions will be sent afterwards.

The Effect of Climate Change on Labor Mobility

A powerpoint presentation of about 3 minutes about climate change on labor mobility. Has to include why it is important, what is currently happening, what are ways to better this issue and also other key points concerning the topic. The pictures included must be cited. A file with further instructions will be sent afterwards.

Microbiology ( HIV & Gonorrhea )

                                                  HIV and GONORRHEA _____________________________________________________________________________ . The project for this course is the analysis of infectious disease processes. Your analysis will focus on one viral disease and one bacterial disease. You … Read more