Reflection on Learning

Total Points Possible:  5  Requirements:  Reflection: write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week. You will need to post your reflection here before you are able to see other students’ posts. What were the most … Read more

famyly structure

  Understanding family structure and style is essential to patient and family care. Conducting a family interview and needs assessment gathers information to identify strengths, as well as potential barriers to health. This information ultimately helps develop family-centered strategies for support and guidance. This family health assessment is a two-part assignment. The information you gather … Read more


  Economic and Global Influences on Population Health Watch and listen to the video . Then, answer ALL of the following questions: Discuss why nurses need to be involved in global health concerns. Describe some of the global health concerns of today and initiatives to combat them. What economic impact do global health issues have? How … Read more


 About elder abuse. What biological, psychological environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and health system facts are contributing to the violence? What evidence-based intervention might be appropriate for addressing the problem? Who might you collaborate with in resolving the problem? How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions?

Nursing Discussion

Respiratory Case Study For this question, please read the following case study and then respond to the questions noted below Johnathan, age 7, presents to the office with symptoms of worsening cough and wheezing for the past 24 hours. He is accompanied by his mother, who is a good historian. She reports that her son … Read more


An understanding of cells and cell behavior is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. But some diseases can be complex in nature, with a variety of factors and circumstances impacting their emergence and severity. Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond isolated cell behavior. Genes, the environments in which … Read more


  In Week 4, we will focus our attention on the rights and responsibilities of patients and employees to ensure ethical conduct in healthcare settings. We will also explore patient consent and the importance of understanding the ethical and legal context for such consent. Your Learning Objectives for the Week: Evaluate the importance of confidentiality … Read more

pharmacology week 2

Discuss the role of advanced practice nursing in safe prescribing and 3 prescribing barriers for APRNs. Important Links: I’m asking for 250 words in APA 6th edition format as required by the university. Support the post with at least 2 cited peer review references within 5 years of publication (references cannot be older than 5 years). Plagiarism … Read more

adult health Clinical

   Reflective Journal QSEN (SAFETY) Identify and describe aspects of your clinical day which may have caused you to feel anxious. Describe how you communicated your feelings of anxiety to your clinical instructor and/or assigned nurse. How did communication with members of the health care team impact your anxiety level? What aspects of patient safety … Read more

Nurse Manager & Budget

 Topic: Imagine you are the nurse manager on a unit. What strategies will you use to include your team in budget development? How will you keep your team informed about budget decisions throughout the year?   Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support … Read more