Discussion, choose 1 focal point from each subcategory, 4 total, 3 references APA, similarities less 5%

Discussion  : End of Life initial post. End-of-Life Care (including advanced directives, palliation) Topics to review:  Article: Nurses roles and responsibilities Providing care and support at end of life. https://www.nursingworld.org/~4af078/globalassets/docs/ana/ethics /endoflife-positionstatement.pdf choose 1 focal point from each subcategory of practice, education, research and administration and describe how the APRN can provide effective care in end of life … Read more

Comparing and contrasting theories

For this discussion, in three to four paragraphs, contrast two nursing models and theories found in your reading. Discuss how they are similar or different in the way the define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and … Read more

Nursing research articles

Based in attached document word document: 1. Order articles alphabetical ( based in author name) 2. Answer the following questions in a word document for each article.  ( Please use the same word  document for all articles answer)  a. Authors b.Tittle (year) c. Methodology d. Sample ( how many articles, reviews, patients, questioners, tool, how … Read more

Interprofessional Collaboration & Outcomes Management for Quality

   1) Briefly describe a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Initiative (actual or anticipated). Identify the task, and discuss the PDSA cycle including the anticipated or target outcome. 2) Discuss the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, and incorporate the role of the advanced practice nurse as team leader. Identify elements to improve team effectiveness. 3) … Read more

Nursing role and scope

                   Ethical/legal principles that guide nursing practice.  Ethics: Explain the role of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses. How can nurses utilize the Code in their clinical practice with patients? Provide an example and include any ethical principles applied. References   Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges (9 th ed.). Elsevier. … Read more

Global Trends in nursing practice

 Human Trafficking: Please view the following Ted Talk and answer  the question that follow.   Thrupkaew, N. (2015). Human Trafficking is All Around You. This is How it Works [TED2015]. Retrieved from    Are there places in the world where slavery is more prevalent? What are the drivers of higher prevalence in different parts of the … Read more

Nurses roles and responsibilities Providing care and support at end of life.

 Choose 1 focal point from each subcategory of practice, education, research and administration and describe how the APRN can provide effective care in end of life management.  Using the American nurses association position statement, recommendations for improvement in end of life management focuses on practice, education, research and administration. Listed below are steps that nurses … Read more

Nursing Theory

Please answer these questions in apa format and NOT plagiarism, at least 2 references and 300 words. Thank you. Critical thinking activities 1. Your community is at risk for a specific type of natural disaster (e.g., tornado, flood, hurricane, earthquake). Use Nightingales principles and observations to develop an emergency plan for one of these events. Outline … Read more

Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: Identify the psychotherapeutic approach that the group facilitator is using and explain why she might be using this approach. Determine whether or not you would use the same psychotherapeutic approach if you were the counselor facilitating this group and justify your decision. Identify an alternative approach … Read more

discussion board: A Blame-Free Culture

  Do you consider your current workplace to have a culture of blame or a culture of safety? Support your choice giving specific examples, if possible. Use research to identify one way to promote or enhance a culture of safety in the workplace? How comfortable are you reporting an error or near miss in your … Read more