Medicine and surgery 1

  The assessment portion of the nursing process is where the nurse will collect data about the patient. This information will encompass physical findings, psychological, cultural, social, family, and nursing histories as well as accessing the medical record and obtaining diagnostic test results. A nurse should not implement interventions until a complete assessment has been … Read more


Discussion Question  How does Environmental Health influence achievements of Healthy People 2020 and how does it influence Health of Global Community?  Must address the topic. Rationale must be provided.  Illustrate an interdisciplinary approach to improvement of the healthcare outcomes of the vulnerable populations. 150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the references. Minimum of two references (the course … Read more


 Develop your position about the individual rights to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society.  Survey the role of boards of health in your community and state to determine how communicable diseases are prevented and controlled. 150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the reference(s).   Minimum of one reference, APA format


Topics- from Learning by Experience and Reflection:  Develop your vision of the ideal health care system.   List some of the characteristics that constitute such a system. What would be the goal or goals of your ideal system?  Think about how you would go about implementing your ideal system.  Consider some of the problems you are … Read more


How is evidence-based practice (EBP) used in nursing and how does the EBP influence Quality Improvement?        Must address the topic.        Rationale must be provided.        May list examples from your own nursing practice.        150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the references.        Minimum of two references (the course textbook must be one of the … Read more


How is evidence-based practice (EBP) used in nursing and how does the EBP influence Quality Improvement?        Must address the topic.        Rationale must be provided.        May list examples from your own nursing practice.        150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the references.        Minimum of two references (the course textbook must be one of the … Read more

Develop your position about the individual rights to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society.

 Develop your position about the individual rights to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society.  Survey the role of boards of health in your community and state to determine how communicable diseases are prevented and controlled. 150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the reference(s).   Minimum of one reference, APA format

reply to both comments

 topic 2 DQ1 REPLY TO ASHLIE  COMMENTS Since sister Mary is a Nun within the Roman Catholic church there is a high probability she prefers faith based medical care which not only encompasses science-based medicine but religion as well. Many aspects of modern medicine are cohesive with the Christian faith; however, she may require assistance … Read more

infectious or communicable disease

   Epidemiologic surveillance is used in public and global health. For this Assignment, begin by locating a recent article about an outbreak of an infectious or communicable disease. The article can come from a newspaper or other source but your paper must be supported with at least three scholarly sources of evidence in the literature … Read more

A nursing care plan and medication

   A nursing care plan (NCP) is a formal process that includes correctly identifying existing needs, as well as recognizing potential needs or risks. Care plans also provide a means of communication among nurses, their patients, and other healthcare providers to achieve health care outcomes. Without the nursing care planning process, quality and consistency in … Read more