
Case Study: Chapter 15 Pain ManagementJane Sweet is a 45 year old female who come to the health clinic on a regular basis. She has been suffering from back pain for the last two years due to degenerative disc disease. The pain she reports as being sharp in her lower back. The doctor has prescribed … Read more


Case Study: Mood and Behavioral DisordersA patient has bipolar disorder. She was just started on Lithium. She is also on paroxetine (Paxil) and furosemide (Lasix). The patient has heart failure, so she is also on a low sodium diet. a) What should you be watching for on the first 3 weeks of Lithium? b) The … Read more

Final Project Part Two Guidelines and Rubric

This course explores wellness and its impact on the world around us. Wellness influences society, and society influences wellness, creating a feedback loopbetween them. We will critically analyze this feedback loop in this course through social, historical, and theoretical approaches to wellness as well as the fourgeneral education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, … Read more

lesson 11 procedural law

In 1-2 pages, discuss the sex offender laws in your state.  How have these law statutes enhanced previously enacted statutes that require the registration of sex offenders with local law enforcement agencies? Use proper APA formatting and citations, including in-text citations. Reference at least 2 outside credible resources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Drawing on Betts andLoescher: Refugees in International Relations (Ch. 1), the 1951 Refugee Convention (and/or the 1967 Protocol) or Goodwin-Gill’s The International Law of Refugee Protection (Ch. 2) who would you define as a refugee? (300 words). Sources 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees: 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees:

Song Proposal

Music and poetry are of extreme cultural and historical significance. Choose a published song or poem that demonstrates this. This can be modern or from another era. discuss its relevance in symbolizing our concepts of self, society, history and culture. 1. Identify the song or poem you will use2. Identify the format you would like … Read more


Annotated Bibliography: This document is a short literature review giving a brief summary of an article that you read related to your topic. You will need to include a total of 5 peer-reviewed articles that are directly related to your topic. Please make sure the articles are current (preferably no later than 5 years old). … Read more

strategic human resources management

Overview: For this milestone, due in Module Five, you will analyze HR strategic initiatives of employee and labor relations that positively impact organizationaleffectiveness. The three critical element focus on employee discipline, performance management, and employee and labor relations.Prompt: First, read Chapters 8 and 14 in your text, the Harvard Business Review article Discipline Without Punishment … Read more

healthcare finance and reimbursement

Overview: In terms of reimbursement and financial principles (specifically relating to the revenue cycle), you will determine what federal and state funding isavailable for healthcare organizations. As you continue to explore payment systems from the view of the hospital administrator, consider what actions you mighttake to ensure your facility meets compliance requirements. Additionally, you will … Read more

Initial Philosophical Reflection, History and philosophy of general and special education

How can I continually and deliberately reflect on my practices in light of educational research, professional decisions, and pedagogical approaches?How can I create contexts for learning that are driven by evidence-based principles of diversity, difference, inclusion, and equity?How can I demonstrate and apply knowledge, concepts, and strategies across domains to engage individuals and promote critical … Read more